Message from @Americana - MD
Discord ID: 336326733512835084
I worked military intelligence for 4 years fam ππ» I got you lol
That's pretty awesome^
Ok, we need to infiltrate this
Operation Trojan Frog
@ManWithTheHand we're already working on preparations
Would you be willing to go in with a couple guys?
I might be too noticeable
Nah man I think you're a good fit. Hold on I'll get a group chat up
I got someone who could probably do it. He doesn't even have an internet presence so they wouldn't be able to track him down or anything.
Have him DM me
You know I'd do it but they'd spot me in a second
Yeah definitely lol
Clear the waters lol
Tell them about ur tattoosπ
^^ lmao... hmmm double agent
Dude after we got jumped we where joking about Raph taking bus shirts off and showing his tatoo
If you guys get away with this and tape their meeting be sure to post it in the Discord. This is going to be funny as shit.
@Americana - MD where do i know you from?
You might not?
are you in MD?
Idk I've been on some pod casts here and there. I've been in salting the earth with Eli and caerulus. Also been on the war room a few times
And yeah I'm in MD.
nice. I too am a vet, MI field
Likewise actually
we should meet
i am in VA
Tbh I have no idea who you are or what you're about
I'll see you in cville I suppose
I am about securing the existence of my people and a future for white children
cville will be a good place to meet. I will be the guy psyopping with music, if or when we have to engage the crowd.
<@&322241134355283969> <@&321415072268419072> LOOK WHO'S BACK
Ehhh ohhh
back again?
Shady's back?
back again?