Message from @TanukiCutie<3
Discord ID: 600418410203185193
Marxism has always been identity politics
Nobody likes Stormzy who is a person
I hope Nancy and AOC get to duel without Trump busting in on it.
Glenn Beck's primer on what AntiFa actually is.
Is that Glenn Beck trying desperately to claw his way back into relevancy?
Lol whadaya have against Glenn?
I was just making an observation about reality. Maybe you should be asking, "What does *reality* have against Glenn?"
Right, but I dont really see anything that marks him as "desperate"
He put this out 10 months ago. I thought now wouldn't be a bad time for a closer look in to who they are.
I always thought his chalkboard talks were top notch, especially ones connecting historical events to current events.
He usually screws up trying to predict stuff or fill time, though.
Cheeto-dust Glenn is pretty desperate when it comes to grasping at comedy.
I dismiss Styx's comments on Glenn because Styx just has a stick up his ass about Glenn being a theist.
Ever since Glenn Beck went fucking psycho on cable tv he's been radioactive af
@TanukiCutie<3 Glenn Beck is legitimately gay holy fuck
I've never seen a Right-Wing figure who's more gay (other than Milo Yiannopolous)
'fucking psycho on cable tv' hm... If I remember correctly he went 'psycho' by doing what.... Oh right... Calling out that willing Nazi collaborator George Soros.
And he was right about Soros.
Huh. How about that.
Now his Blaze Network is big enough to absorb Mark Levin into his organization. Seems kinda the opposite of radioactive to me.
You believe what you want, though.
ICE attacker manifesto
The fact that Beck is willing to work with Levin is a pretty good sign he's a controlled opposition.
Yeah, not following that line of no-content accusation, Mini-Me.
Being critical of Trump is what anyone is supposed to do, not just 'controlled opposition' and the far left.
But what do I know, i'm just a Libertarian that doesn't care for people being crony corporatists.
That's just about the only complaint I can offer personally against Trump. He's willing to use government as a tool to benefit businesses directly, because he's benefited himself that way. For him to go against that would be him being a hypocrite.
Trump isn't doing a bad job at all as president, but we are still a far far ways away from where we should be constitutionally.
It’s been that way even before FDR
I just want a legal system that's simple enough that you don't commit 5 crimes before lunch every day.
"no-content accusation"
I never said he was controlled opposition because he was critical of Trump
You never said why he was controlled opposition period.
that's why it's no content.
Levin is a person, not a reason.