Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 604871997175889931

2019-07-27 16:30:45 UTC  

Look at that distribution though between male and female mortality rates. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

2019-07-27 16:43:34 UTC  

Eh maybe. The Indian demographic is consumption stable that does not guarantee growth. And since the US is the only developed economy with a stable demographic likely the cost of capital is going to go up meaning long term you're going to struggle for rate of return.

2019-07-27 19:14:25 UTC  

India superpower 2020

2019-07-27 19:15:13 UTC  

So I'm currently reading Starship Troopers and a lot of the government I take a liking towards.
However and more so did Sargon address this in his video on the politics of Starship Troopers the I would describe as the excessive use of Capital and Corporal punishment?

2019-07-27 19:27:10 UTC  

For example it is said that for the crime of drink driving on will be publicly flogged. Or perhaps if one violates military law in striking a superior officer he might face the penalty of being hung.
I've just skimmed through Sargon's video and I'm not sure where he addresses this?
Heinlein puts a very strong focus on discipline through violent action, be it civilian or those in service.
I'm curious on how Sargon addressed this issue

2019-07-28 01:33:19 UTC  

im not sure public flogging would be entirely unfair for drink drivers

2019-07-28 01:34:57 UTC  

I think he mostly glossed over the slight excessiveness of the Corporal punishment aspect of that government system

2019-07-28 01:35:31 UTC  

the video was more about the structure, politics and society of the law abiding and peacefull citizens

2019-07-28 01:36:27 UTC  

I do agree that a more in depth look at the criminal justice system and civil justice system in the book is required

2019-07-28 01:39:27 UTC  

inb4 jewish conspiracy & lefty zionist loons

2019-07-28 01:43:49 UTC  

** *ooof* **

2019-07-28 01:47:47 UTC  


Orthodox Jewish woman named cybersecurity chief for US spy agency

Anne ‘Chani’ Neuberger grew up in mostly Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood of Borough Park; parents were among hostages rescued during Israeli raid on Entebbe

2019-07-28 01:48:45 UTC  

I heard the Presidents own daughter is *gasp* an orthodox jew......

2019-07-28 01:48:56 UTC  


2019-07-28 01:50:16 UTC  

Some more info tho.
Neuberger led the NSA's election security efforts for the 2018 midterms, having served as the NSA's first chief risk officer. Anne (Chani) Neuberger grew up in Boro Park and went to Bais Yaakov of Boro Park. She lives in Baltimore.

2019-07-28 02:28:59 UTC  

@AVRO Architect I'm just curious where Liberalism falls on such practices.
Which of course was the major premise of his video.
Explaining that it was a ultra liberal utopia rather than any fascistic.
Now of course I entirely agree that it isn't a fascist utopia but I'm still unsure of it being really a liberal utopia.

Besides the excessive use of corporal punishment and capital punishment to which I'm torn on its overall ethical nature I have my own opinions personally on the issue of government and rights.
Personally I'm of the opinion that the taxpayer should still be levied the right of his own sovereignty to where if capital is paid towards in taxation and to which laws rule over him.
Now I'll entirely give to the point that only those willing to risk life and limp should be given sovereignty over the right to demand others give willingness to do the same.
What business is it of the civilian to say how and why a man should die for them and their benefit.

2019-07-28 02:31:57 UTC  

Also I think my main moral objection to corporal/capital punishment is that it's state approved sadism.

2019-07-28 02:35:52 UTC  

Or I should say state sanctioned sadism which would be illiteration.

2019-07-28 02:36:29 UTC  

Although correcting myself has only given me a better chance of exampling that.

2019-07-28 03:05:22 UTC  

I'm less torn over the corporal punishment. States that have it have much lower recidivism rates. I do have an ethical qualm about *enforced* corporal punishment. I could see it as a diversionary program. Say one lash per month. Like if sentenced to a year in jail you could opt for 12 lashes instead. There is a societal gain there. You can (maybe after some sick leave) go back to work and pay your bills after 12 lashes. Most people do not have 12 months rent in the bank. So the current penal system releases what are essentially homeless unemployed people with job experience in criminal enterprise.

2019-07-28 03:49:26 UTC  

"to which laws rule over him."

"You can't murder that guy!"
"But I paid my taxes"
"It's still illegal"
"Nah, not for me"

2019-07-28 03:53:21 UTC  

"the right to demand others give willingness to do the same."

"I don't even know how to use a gun and you just gave me a washcloth wrapped around a sharp stick!"
"No sir"

2019-07-28 04:16:36 UTC  

Currently playing Life is Strange 2; God above, the fucking store owner

2019-07-28 12:47:36 UTC  

@Hexidecimark what don't you seem to understand bud?

2019-07-28 15:05:03 UTC  

My latest: "The Nature of Individual Rights: Short Notes"

2019-07-28 19:13:22 UTC  

Not very convincing imo

2019-07-28 21:35:46 UTC  

Not really wrong although Carl is a bit of a fag

2019-07-28 21:37:47 UTC  

Can't get over his faggy voice if honest

2019-07-28 21:39:31 UTC  

Although it was a bit of a shit to go and attack Mark Collett using stuff he said nearly over 20 years ago

2019-07-28 21:49:09 UTC  

Then (((they))) misrepresent the Alt right criticism of Judaism and it's subsequent ideologies. They rightly point out that "Judaism is not a proselytising faith that encourages people to convert" but that very statement doesn't disprove the Alt Right claim that we are at "war with Judaism".
Rather it is that very reason the Alt Right claim we are at "war with Judaism" because being such a exclusionary group while also having your fellow Jews in positions of power can lead them to act in each others interests at the expense of the majority goy population.
It's basically an ideological elitism.
To which I assume Freemasonry was also created to let in rich goys in on the fun.

2019-07-28 21:57:53 UTC  

And it isn't to "tar" a whole group with the same brush but rather yes like Tommy and his supporters do is that it is to address the cultural issues in said religious group and that it is the very point that someone is a Jew or a Muslim that they are acting in a particular way because of a particular cause.

2019-07-28 21:58:38 UTC  

And then of course Tommy's bum boys decided to turn off the comments.

2019-07-28 22:46:29 UTC  

Or you could come to the realization that Tommy's not compatible with ethnats, conservativism isn';t compatible with ethnats. And the only thing right about the alt-right is that they use the wrod right. Much like AntiFa calling themselves anti-fascist.......

2019-07-28 23:02:00 UTC  

No need to come to whatever so called realisations you seem to propose.
Simply pointing out the miss framing and hypocrisy of his supporters understandings.
But of course if we're really going to be this erroneous I don't really see the point. Going along with the old misnomer of lol they call themselves muh antifascist but are actually fascist themselves nonsense.
No they're communist and you tend to fail in actually defining what left and right mean if you seek to correct me.
Yes conservatism isn't compatible with ethnats but only because current conservatism is only concerned with conserving the status quo.

2019-07-28 23:08:33 UTC  

Conservatism is by definition interesting in keeping the status quo. Or, more realistically, with slowing down change to it. If you want change (especially radical change) in the direction of Fascism, ur a progressive. Not in the sense that ur necessarily akin to the "no borders" ppl or some shit. At least not in anything other then that you want change and you want that change to be going in the direction of something that hasn't been the status quo in your polity.

2019-07-28 23:10:13 UTC  

Other then that there's also reactionaries who *also* want change, but towards models that used to be the status quo or, again more realistically, a merging of the current ones with the former ones.

2019-07-28 23:12:18 UTC  

So yeah, institutionalized racism in modern America is not compatible with conservatism. It's compatible with progressivism or reactionary thinking.

2019-07-28 23:14:54 UTC  

In Europe, outside of a few places, it's only really compatible with progressive approaches as institutionalized racism was mostly not a thing here.