AVRO Architect

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whatever is closest to being 3/4 of the price of the most expensive one in the store

Hey lads, been lurking for a bit, whats the topic of the day?

ah, I see, not sure what hope there is for the continent, but the Brits might have a chance of survival with UKIP

nah they just haven't had a good civil war on the isle in a few hundred years, honestly they are over due

well if the nations we know now collapse, if the muslims don't take over I expect them to reform in various smaller city states at first

who said anything about reform? I'm seeing an utterly devestating series of wars where the remnants rebuild after its all gone

I only think it will end like that due to modern weaponry, more than the cultural bs thats going on now

when shit hits the fan the stupid things cease to matter

yup and it will split the population in two, those who get their shit together and win and those who loose

Hard Reality is the ultimate red pill

Ive been at it for about a year and a half

but was starting to see through the veil as far back as 7th grade

the veil wasn't really removed until that year and a half ago though

got a bit overzealous at first though, one of my friends was saying i'd joined a cult

no it's a philosophy and value system at worst,

the variation amongst us here is rather large

your line taken out of context could land us in hotter water than we are already

chameleons and infiltrators and doxxers/ traitors abound

there are people out there who want nothing more than to destroy us

I was friends with some until last year

doxxed myself like an idiot

learned my lesson fast

the key word is unusual @Punished Korgoth

seems like its a matter of perspective

I suppose to the emotionally driven, logic is unusual

feminisim is a godless religion, a psudeo-religion even

it has all the hallmarks short of an actual diety or set of them

and they are all radical and fundementalist

@Baron Doom There are thousands like it, all untold and unrecorded, they stretch back millennia

the common thread I see with the men here that red pilled without being burned first, is introversion with relatively high IQ and a very strong sense of self-awareness and usually a personal internal monologe as well

we seem to be able to make the connections no one else sees

and we notice alot in the world

we seem to be a rare breed on our own

as for the others here the extroverts usually share some of the same traits aswell, or were just burned and realized it wasn't worth it

I am not a fan of it being called a cult, the definition I go off of is different

honestly we are more like the internet version of a collection of men talking in a semi-public forum, exchanging ideas, experiences, thoughts and just generally conversing. Constantly refining ourselves but generally agreeing on a few core principles in our community

I think he was comparing MGTOW to a syndicate or cult

feminism is pure cult lunacy

see my long blerb above

syndicates work like the mafia

we are not in the buisness of doing stuff for "the family" nor do we have a Don or anything of the sort

in fact we operate more like an ancient greek university than anything else i can think of on short notice

A group, often times though not always religious or spiritual in nature, that is led by a single or small group of leader(s).

Members are often recruited or by some means persuaded to join, rarely if ever knowing how destructive and harmful a cult can be -- rarely knowing that it IS a cult. Though they usual come off as being generous, caring and in the best interests of their members, cults are inherently based on furthering the desires of cult leaders.

Cult leaders commonly use thought reform or "brainwashing", in conjunction with other methods, to slowly and deliberately reel in more control of said members. In many cases, members may eventually forsake their friends and family (non-members are viewed as "wrong" or "bad") and give up their careers, homes and/or money to the leader.

This I feel is a better definition of a cult, your definition that you operate off of is too open ended for my taste

too many things can be classified as a cult with it that clearly aren't

for example the " insert nation here" military

having grown up on military bases I can attest that is not the case

I must insist that they very much are, fundamentally they are different

a proper modern professional military does not exist to accumulate wealth or power for the members

their fundamental purposes are different

the military is supposed to be self sacraficial for the nation and is bound by the laws, rules of engagement, and has a very limited authority

the government of the nation itself, at the end of the day the military is a deadly tool for use by those in power

a very big stick

a gang is in buisness for itself and it doesn't care who is hurt along the way for its profits and power

the military exists purely to prepare and be prepared for war

oh the government is a scheme

the military is simply a tool

if the government is a gang the military is the gun, just a tool at the end of the day

no the military is a tool as are the police the enforce the laws and standards

they are the monopoly of violence as the ancaps say

this is why a good government and not a tyranical one is important

what matters is the quality of the state and government, corrupt gov, misused military

that can be traced to the government itself and the us supreme courts specifically

the big shift was when the thinking shifted from " we can't do it unless the constitutiion says we can" to " we can do anything except what the constitution says we can't"

quite the opposite

the military is argueably the strictest system of laws to live under

those rules of engagement I was talking about

those rules have conditions that have to be met before certain actions can be taken

for example martial law can't just be declared, the conditions have to degrade to the point that the rules allow for the action to be taken

combined with uniform code, the laws of the nation, and the rules of engagement the military operates in a fundamentally different way, with a different purpose and goal in mind. and no those rules don't arbitrarily change

in fact changing them usually is harder than getting nuclei to fuse

the military has MANY mechanisms inplace to keep them from being changed

no I have detailed experience with the military

the criminal problem is something they have to deal with, the US military doesn't exactly have the highest moral standards in the world ( barring the marines, those SOBs are nuts)

@Whats gay anymore agreed fundamentally different operation, culture, rule set, mind set, and is often misunderstood

I've seen police forces that are more gang like than the military

besides you can't prove a negative

base principles, first principles are a better term for it


forming a necessary base or core; of central importance:
"the protection of fundamental human rights"
affecting or relating to the essential nature of something or the crucial point about an issue:

a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based:
"two courses cover the fundamentals of microbiology"

they can be, it's more the quality of the people that make up the force than the base structure or purpose

its a cropped version from the Oxford dictionary

i'd link it but the bot won't let me

I take it that english is not your first language? I feel I have defended my point quite thoroughly. Your turn

I thought so, given the time of day we started, assuming you are on a "normal" sleep cycle you would have to be somewhere in europe

ah I see

I was taking engineering in college, i had to develop my skill in debating my points to be taken seriously

engineers are quite difficult to work with at the best of times let alone challenge their ideas

no the military are less enforces and more a force for enacting violence

the idea of "peace keeping" misuses the military

the military is primarily supposed to wage war or defend in war

its less enforcing will and more " the final form of negotiation" being the last one alive


an organized group of criminals.

again from oxford

i think our biggest problem tonight is that we do not have a common definition for many of the words and concepts we have been using

the key word was "organized" in the phrase "organized criminals"

in effect you need to combine both definitions

as for the question about breaking the law, many nations and states have laws that remain in their legal code from times when they were relevant but no longer are, are un-enforceable, and there are the vague open ended laws that basically make anything a crime so technically everyone likely has broken the law, but probably unwittingly

then there are the rediculous ones we never bothered repealing and everyone breaks anyway, like the one they just repealed in utah that used to make sex outside of marriage illegal

North America

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