Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 609162005965701131

2019-08-08 23:04:11 UTC
War can also mean "a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism" or even "a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end" (Class War for example)

2019-08-08 23:04:35 UTC  

Well, I don't believe in class war.

2019-08-08 23:04:41 UTC  

That's a lot of crap.

2019-08-08 23:05:10 UTC  

@whiic I'd consider drone-strikes to be on the level of border-skirmishes, not an all-out war, but that's just my opinion 🤷🏻

2019-08-08 23:06:20 UTC  

And I consider "cyber war" as it exists between many countries to be even less than border-skirmishes. It's more like espionage, breach of airspace without shooting.

2019-08-08 23:06:59 UTC  

When digital espionage crosses to what I would consider "cyber war" is when nuclear plants melt down and there's actual casualties.

2019-08-08 23:07:20 UTC  

Stealing corporate secrets of a rivaling country is not literal warfare.

2019-08-08 23:08:13 UTC  

@whiic so would you consider the "Pig War" to be an actual war or not?

2019-08-08 23:09:24 UTC  

Don't know. Too specific and too historic to care.

2019-08-08 23:09:35 UTC  


2019-08-08 23:09:47 UTC  

It'd help to look at the wikipedia article

2019-08-08 23:10:01 UTC  

God, I can't believe I have to do this....

2019-08-08 23:10:16 UTC  

TL;DR: The USA and UK got into a war against eachother over pigs

2019-08-08 23:10:34 UTC  

There was a single casualty....

2019-08-08 23:10:37 UTC  

a single pig.

2019-08-08 23:10:42 UTC  

Did Congress declare war?

2019-08-08 23:11:00 UTC  

Or did the UK declare a war instead?

2019-08-08 23:12:06 UTC  

I don't even find the words like starting with "decl" (declared, declaration, etc.)

2019-08-08 23:12:19 UTC  

So no war was declared. Not an official state of war.

2019-08-08 23:12:32 UTC  

And no shots were fired, so not un-official skirmish either.

2019-08-08 23:12:47 UTC  

By any standard, it has nothing to do with war.

2019-08-08 23:13:09 UTC  

apparently there hasn't been a war declared by Congress since 1941

2019-08-08 23:13:13 UTC  

I know.

2019-08-08 23:13:24 UTC  

does that mean that the Korean War wasn't a war, if Congress didn't declare it to be as such?

2019-08-08 23:13:36 UTC  

what about Vietnam?

2019-08-08 23:13:45 UTC  

USA just does "world policing". Either with drones or with boots on the ground. They just "fuck the Constitution, LOL".

2019-08-08 23:14:39 UTC  

Well Korean War has shots fired at humans, and causualties, mass casualties, and was obviously a de-facto state of war (even for USA).

2019-08-08 23:15:21 UTC  

How is that comparable to "Pig War" which even according to article linked by you, did not result in declaration of war and also **zero fucking casualties on any side**.

2019-08-08 23:15:50 UTC
Is a conflict to be considered a war if it's not declared but there are casualties (or if there are no casualties but it's declared)? Or do both conditions (Congress has to declare a formal war, and there has to be casualties) have to be met for it to be considered a war? In other words, does the conflict have to be a de facto war, or can it also be a de jure war?

2019-08-08 23:15:56 UTC  

The level of mental gymnastics is insane

2019-08-08 23:19:10 UTC  

I could consider Antifa vs. govt to be an undeclared civil war if and only if police started shooting Antifa members. So far Antifa has conducted a one-sided war against the govt, which is ironic because usually govt does one-sided war against others (via drones).

2019-08-08 23:19:35 UTC  

Which would lead me to believe govt is actually on Antifa's side (even though Antifa is not on govt's side).

2019-08-08 23:19:50 UTC  

If there's a civil war, who's the other faction? Alt-Right?

2019-08-08 23:20:10 UTC  

A “one-sided war” is still a war. Just because you don’t personally believe it does not mean what goes on in America isn’t already happening

2019-08-08 23:20:19 UTC  

Everybody who isn't a member of Antifa, I suppose

2019-08-08 23:21:06 UTC  

Was the ICE Facility "Firebomber" (I'm using this in quotes, because he didn't even firebomb the fucking place right) shot dead by police, or was it ICE that yeeted him?

2019-08-08 23:21:48 UTC  

this article says it was the police