Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 610088360672886794

2019-08-11 02:03:59 UTC  

Alt-right, racist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

2019-08-11 02:04:24 UTC  

(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

2019-08-11 02:05:10 UTC  


2019-08-11 02:05:37 UTC  

How much you wanna bet Goygle's already invented immortality and we're on the cusp of a resident evil-style culling of the sheeple

2019-08-11 03:18:06 UTC  

@Wild Dog Immortality?

2019-08-11 03:18:08 UTC  


2019-08-11 03:18:21 UTC  

A way to move consciousness into other bodies? Possibly.

2019-08-11 03:18:41 UTC  

Increased regenerative abilities based on those of animals such as starfish? Possibly.

2019-08-11 03:22:52 UTC  

ur a shill weez

2019-08-11 03:23:03 UTC  

busted u the other day shilling it up with the intel shill

2019-08-11 03:23:26 UTC  

go fuck yerself and get anal raped by ur child raping god satan

2019-08-11 04:18:36 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Think they used it on Epstein?

2019-08-11 04:22:38 UTC  

Why tho

2019-08-11 04:22:55 UTC  

they could just get rid of him and no info about high-up pedos would get out

2019-08-11 05:07:19 UTC  

If one wants to get ahold of a sargon for a discussion, how would one do so? jw

2019-08-11 05:45:46 UTC  

I've tried.

2019-08-11 05:46:06 UTC  

I've even buttered up his @Secretary of Akkad. No luck.

2019-08-11 10:59:51 UTC  

If America is majority brown by the end of the century it won't be the USA anymore.
Their union will be destroyed.
I'll be surprised how long America will actually last for.
It'll be interesting to see how it goes once Trump leaves office. Like that inevitability will be the catalyst.

2019-08-11 11:23:46 UTC  

How will it not be the US? I'd love to know how race has the ability to change a nation.

2019-08-11 12:31:54 UTC  

That's one thing, the US' grand experiment is not predicated by race - it is by a baseline credo. Associating race and credo is actually fairly anti-American, bluntly. These things are not inherently tied.

2019-08-11 12:33:20 UTC  

One could easily claim the counter about Europe and much of the rest of the world, but fundamentally race is a marked irrelevancy for the States.

2019-08-11 12:57:37 UTC  

entirely and completely wrong

2019-08-11 12:58:06 UTC  

The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were "free White persons of good character". It thus excluded Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians, although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."[1][2][3]

2019-08-11 12:58:32 UTC  

The american experiment was to create a neoengland

2019-08-11 12:58:35 UTC  

or western europe

2019-08-11 13:03:49 UTC  

@Mikey Look up the definition of nation 🤣

2019-08-11 13:05:40 UTC

2019-08-11 13:05:51 UTC  

"Common Descent"

2019-08-11 13:08:12 UTC  

"Common descent, history, culture OR language"

2019-08-11 13:08:19 UTC  

It can be any of those.

2019-08-11 13:08:28 UTC  

It's not required to be all.

2019-08-11 13:08:31 UTC  


2019-08-11 13:08:52 UTC  

I'm sure the North American indian PEOPLE delineate on common culture boss

2019-08-11 13:09:05 UTC  

Yeah, I'm sure they do

2019-08-11 13:09:08 UTC  

You definitely dont need any blood element

2019-08-11 13:09:14 UTC  

Thats like a quack idea!

2019-08-11 13:09:41 UTC  

Ergo no genocide of the Natives occurred they just transmuted into a different people via the musket

2019-08-11 13:09:45 UTC  

Tldr: A group of people connected through one or more things

2019-08-11 13:10:15 UTC

2019-08-11 13:10:18 UTC  

You can keep trying to obfuscate

2019-08-11 13:10:36 UTC  

>Gets another definition when the first one he provides doesn't support his argument