Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 607379585851457557

2019-08-04 01:04:27 UTC  

If we could reset the economy a Minarchist State would likely work best

2019-08-04 01:04:29 UTC  

the feudal state wasn't

2019-08-04 01:05:08 UTC  

However because the state has already interfered with the economy if this was done now it would only increase the power of monopiles

2019-08-04 01:05:45 UTC  

I feel like ur just reciting talking points and not tackling the issue of the state itself being a monopoly

2019-08-04 01:05:52 UTC  

The State may have a monopoly on violence but that is necessary, I don't like it but i is necessary

2019-08-04 01:06:13 UTC  

Sup Doom, lit name change

2019-08-04 01:06:29 UTC  

sup, antisemite

2019-08-04 01:06:36 UTC  

For example what if someone steals something and refused to give it back, How does the owner of it get it back without calling on the state to inflict violence on the thief?

2019-08-04 01:06:52 UTC  

You could have a decentralized state

2019-08-04 01:06:57 UTC  

with local power structures

2019-08-04 01:06:59 UTC  

"Facebook in Czechia deletes people's posts that mention Tommy Robinson, outrageous say experts" (Google Translate is pretty decent from the quick check I made):

2019-08-04 01:07:47 UTC  

You would still end up with a central power albeit a smaller central power but a central power nonetheless with a monopoly on violence

2019-08-04 01:08:11 UTC  

They didn't have that before the Enlightenment

2019-08-04 01:08:15 UTC  

In order to have any semblance of order the state needs to have the power to inflict violence

2019-08-04 01:08:29 UTC  

you had local lords

2019-08-04 01:08:38 UTC  

over whom the king only had limited power

2019-08-04 01:08:49 UTC  

and they would be the arbiters of things local

2019-08-04 01:08:56 UTC  

And those local lords had a monopoly on the use of violence in their county

2019-08-04 01:09:15 UTC  

The monopoly of violence is not removed it is just spread to local areas

2019-08-04 01:09:16 UTC  


2019-08-04 01:09:37 UTC  

You are just moving the monopoly around, You are not actually removing it

2019-08-04 01:09:41 UTC  

they may also have had nobles under their control who ALSO had privileges the Lord could not infringe upon

2019-08-04 01:10:03 UTC  

how is it a monopoly if no single body can do everything?

2019-08-04 01:10:48 UTC  

Not to mention you had ecclesiastical Lords

2019-08-04 01:10:59 UTC  

who were also responsible before the Pope

2019-08-04 01:11:04 UTC  

a foreign entity

2019-08-04 01:11:06 UTC  

It is a monopoly in their local area, Its a different type sure, But the result is the same, The government body whether they be many or few having the right to inflict violence

2019-08-04 01:11:40 UTC  

one body might have the right to inflict violence on person a in a given region, but not on person b

2019-08-04 01:12:09 UTC  

So your plan is just to split up the monopoly into local areas?

2019-08-04 01:12:35 UTC  

no, I'm asking you why isn't it your plan is you dislike monopolies and think that competition is a good thing

2019-08-04 01:12:46 UTC  

this clearly encourages competition and is less of a monopoly

2019-08-04 01:13:13 UTC  

(I'm also meming as HARD as I can, if you haven't noticed)

2019-08-04 01:13:34 UTC  

(I tend to do that to lolbertarians)

2019-08-04 01:13:40 UTC  

Monopolies damage the economy, Just look at Fascist Italy for example which is a good example, Mussolini wanted one company to be responsible for one thing which led to their being no innovation since the companies had no competition

2019-08-04 01:14:09 UTC  

Again, regurgitated talking point, not addressing my very serious idea

2019-08-04 01:14:34 UTC  

What is your main idea then?

2019-08-04 01:15:21 UTC  

I'm asking you why are you not ok with decentralizing the state if you dislike monopolies

2019-08-04 01:17:15 UTC  

I am to an extent, I would prefer for the economy to just run itself however there would be times when the government should intervene and the government is better suited to do that if it is not completely decentralised

2019-08-04 01:18:05 UTC  

I support some Decentralisation however the State should still have the power to stop monopolies

2019-08-04 01:18:26 UTC  

why couldn't the intervention be done on a local level, by the local authority so that there can be competing models within the country itself. Surely you are for competition?

2019-08-04 01:19:16 UTC  

Because local areas don't have the power to prevent a National Monopoly like Google for example