Message from @Sectator Pragmaticam Lex
Discord ID: 601821507252912129
A bunch of people from EU parliament walked in and mistakingly assumed i was the graderobe worker
Started handing me a bunch of clothes and valuables
and even if they weren't, those two degrees of seperation I mentioned mean the dude could have been stamping his foot and steaming his ears and he still wouldn't have had the authority to have me fired
It could have been a robbery of a century
@Jack of Trades no idea
I imagine baba would take this oppourtunity to rail about the tyranny of the bourgeise
but really its just an example of Houstoners making no attempt to alleviate misunderstandings
this isn't the first example
@Jokerfaic well I intend to visit my aunt before long if you wanna hang out. Maybe we can do an athenian hangout or somfin
fuck, why not, I have time now
until they find me another gig, at least
I'll hit you up. Maybe we can get some other nerds to show
@Ancient Chaos Wizard aka, arguing with Darth Dipshit
aka arguing with me 90% of the time
Wrong again, Bucko
THis meme is getting annoyin
no u
A criminal?
No sorry that's a Democrat
Is that real
Marrying your brother is probably a felony
If evidence is uncovered showing she married her brother to commit immigration fraud, Trump should offer her a pardon. Offer, as in give her the choice to accept the pardon or go to trial.
If she accepts the pardon, she is forever tainted by the bad orange man. If she rejects the pardon, she gets convicted, loses her office, and possibly deported and no one can claim Trump is responsible.
I don't see the problem with those anti Ilhan Omar chants. I mean some people chanted some things right???
Its as dim witted as screaming 'impeach' at Trump. She was duly elected. Don't like her? Elect someone else next time.
unless this felony rumor is substanciated
@pwtdo that's retarded. If she's guilty, SEND HER BACK
that feeds into the leftist narrative though. better to neutralize her than turn her into a martyr
Praise the sun! \T/