Message from @Kevin FL
Discord ID: 347356312910299137
Anyone else having discord issues?
I had some during the meeting
Switching screens and stuff?
Yea I was
When? Explain the issue in more detail.
Oh like I'd go to respond to a text or swap screens and disc would just disappear for a second I'd click on the icon and it would act like it was loading then disappear after the second time it came up
Other issues where connection related
The other one I've been having is I'll go to open disc and no message will show up if I close it and restart it usually fixes it
Mine has been crashing quite a bit this evening on my phone.
Where to?
How do I view the Daily Stormer?
Do I have to use Tor?
Yes, I haven't looked into it too far but that's my understanding. Regardless ds will be back up tomorrow or the next day. They're just moving servers.
@Phillip-TX Anglin explained it on TRS. They'll have a different address for a little bit but they'll be back with the .com address within 60 days.
Also, Trump's statement s on Cville redpilled my uncle. We're staying up drinking and he said " these liberals just hate white people".
Pres Trump: 'There's Blame On Both Sides' In Char…:
I'm so tired of hearing about the confederacy every time I turn on the freaking news how come none of this was a issue until now
I've worked in private security before not the fat guard watching a tv I mean real security but I'd have no trouble training and helping provide a security unit for our next event just throwing it out there
@Kevin FL the gators want to start training for the next event would you be down to get some other VA guys and training with us? Of course it depends where your located
Yes where are you located?
We'll need to either find some mats or possibly a isolated place with soft sand I know a few guys who would like training @Pale Horse - FL is going to London so I don't know if he will be able to attend but it's something I'd like to practice biweekly or regularly it's like riding a bike though once you learn it you don't forget lol
Anybody know anything about any upcoming marches??
I keep hearing that a new strategy is being considered, whereby theres less public notice
But I'm not sure what organizations are a part of those talks, or what was ultimately decided
It's being discussed the best way forward. We still have to own the streets we just need far better OPSEC
I think a lot more of these should be surprises, harder to counter, harder to shut down, easier for our media to cover, harder for the Jew-press to slander.
@Thomas Ryan Plus the benefit of that is that we're the ones taking the pictures/video and releasing them on our own terms.
Flash rally's?
I forgot which podcast mentioned it, but that's going to be the result of C'Ville
Antifa can't cause violence if they don't know where we are
The state destroys your history, and then invites Blacks to come and dance on your grave.
I got a letter in the mail. Our neighborhood is setting up a online neighborhood watch. The first step to a militia
Yee yee