Message from @Comando

Discord ID: 616459206916308993

2019-08-28 23:45:48 UTC  

He overreached thinking he could win an snap election against the rest

2019-08-28 23:46:00 UTC  

But then five star went with a socialist party so no

2019-08-28 23:47:19 UTC  

Right, I heard that. He made a stupid mistake, I agree. Not saying he was innocent here, but the consequences are still bad.

2019-08-28 23:48:12 UTC  

hundreds of thousands of migrants are now going to pour into Italy because he was over confident

2019-08-28 23:48:30 UTC  

it should be a lesson to us all with who we are dealing with

2019-08-28 23:48:40 UTC  

He could still try to force a GE, the coalition parties are unlikely to last

2019-08-29 00:42:01 UTC  

How about that Boris bitch-slap

2019-08-29 00:42:12 UTC  

Queen-assisted pimp hand

2019-08-29 01:26:54 UTC  

good old lizzie

2019-08-29 01:51:31 UTC  

Tower of London should expect some new tenants, frankly

2019-08-29 02:24:26 UTC  

It's starting to feel like ww2 level style of censorship...

White Supremacists Still Have a Safe Space Online
Discord is a hub for 150 million gamers—as well as some of the worst people on the web.

2019-08-29 02:25:42 UTC  

Ironically, discord is also home to many SJW's

2019-08-29 02:25:57 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:26:45 UTC  

First it was 8chan, break them up into 4chan, find more reasons to govern reddit, and twitter... Goes down to discord, then other places...

Then the real censorship will commence into other chatrooms.

2019-08-29 02:27:22 UTC  

And fury pedo rings <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2019-08-29 02:27:33 UTC  

Discord knows all to well about those

2019-08-29 02:27:46 UTC  

Worse of all... Brony's

2019-08-29 02:27:49 UTC  

furry or fury?

2019-08-29 02:28:27 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:28:34 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:28:48 UTC  

>be discord
>fbi actually knocks on your door
>has a real warrant
>child sex trafficing
>oh no what servers did we miss?
>lists numerous employee's as suspects
>oh no

2019-08-29 02:28:48 UTC  

I hope people will one day realize that all this pandering of censorship is slowly killing our rights to speech.

2019-08-29 02:29:24 UTC  
2019-08-29 02:29:40 UTC  

It is the intended effect.

2019-08-29 02:29:49 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:29:55 UTC  

Can't glorify violence afterall...

2019-08-29 02:30:00 UTC  

Or have jokes.

2019-08-29 02:30:10 UTC  

That means no memes about a certain shooter...

2019-08-29 02:30:25 UTC  

And while we're at it, lets censor discussion of said shooter...

2019-08-29 02:30:30 UTC  

And no criticising a certain fandom.

2019-08-29 02:30:32 UTC  

And then all the rest...

2019-08-29 02:30:34 UTC  

etc etc

2019-08-29 02:33:12 UTC  

>I am not an individual but part of a collective
>People get brainwashed into doing bad things, they don't do bad things on their own accord
>We must deplatform everything and everyone who's brainwashing people into doing bad things
>Never enough, always more to do
That's the leftist dogma. People are not self-determined, thus they must be censored.

2019-08-29 02:33:47 UTC  

Very important here, people always project, especially the ones that don't think for themselves

2019-08-29 02:34:25 UTC  

Who never thinks for themselves? Collectivists. I.e. marxists, most progressives, and most socialists.

2019-08-29 02:34:51 UTC  

Therefore since they can't think for themselves, all dissent was also not thought up individually, but by a collective.

2019-08-29 02:34:58 UTC  

Therefore deplatforming and censorship is the only solution.

2019-08-29 02:36:28 UTC  

This is also why they hate the fact so much that the breaking of the narrative of Hitler being right-wing is going on

2019-08-29 02:36:47 UTC  

First they're in disbelief, but then they get angry because it reveals them for what they truly are.

2019-08-29 02:37:32 UTC  

The only thing that never occurs to them is this:

2019-08-29 02:37:42 UTC  

If everyone gets brainwashed all the time, am I being brainwashed?