Message from @Kevin FL
Discord ID: 348068859963506698
Can these kikes be stopped??
One day
Well if we have to get rid of all the confederate statues we also need to get rid of all the Martin lutha kang statues because he was a known racist communist and most of all a tool and a puppet
Byron vandals music got shoahed too
Goys you see the statue of liberty? We will rebuild every one of these statues bigger than the liberty statue don't you worry
How come the Jews haven't reported this
They're evil. Duh
We should retaliate by removing MLK statues
based infinate chan
@Jared TX agreed someone should type up something demanding they be removed and why
You know what's fucked? Apparently you can raise 140k overnight to remove a statue
I didn't know they actually have made a shoulder fired one in sure Israel has them and that reminds me how come Israel is left unchecked? They have ready nuclear weapons but are exempt from inspection
I'm actually more concerned with Israel having them than I would be with NK or Iran
Was told to remove my VA bracelet at work today. Apparently someone complained
Surprised someone recognized it tbh
My boss called me "fields" and asked when my dodge would be fixed. I lulzd hard.
My super wasn't upset with me he just told me not to wear it at work. Said specifically it had nothing to do with my behavior.
I'll make sure to lodge a complaint if I see any fucking blm shit around
My super is a cool guy though we've drank together and discussed things. Pretty sure he knows I'm quite a bit further right than anyone else around here.
Right on. It's good to have folks like that around.
We need to get Azzmador on JRE to rock joes world on the jq
@Zyklonius B Gassem-LA I talked to Kessler daily in the run up to this. He's not a shill or a plant. Now you could make the argument he's a bit of an idiot.
And you'd be right
Roflmao sign me up for some
@TheDriver what's up nigger
Sup brah
Still got that floppy hat?