Message from @SonderSchutz TX
Discord ID: 347871633517707272
Also I do believe this will be a felony
So maybe balloons
I'm not sure depends on what you put into it if it's harmless it probably won't be a crime
Out of all the things we should be dedicating time and money to, paintballing commies may not be at the top of the list.
Training and local connections is #1.
And #2.
And #3.
Whats happening saturday
All in theory of course not that we'd actually do that
Check TX chat @EuroChad
Potassium permanganate
@Thomas Ryan I agree completely, now more than ever this is needed
You guys see the abomination that replaced Lee?
Supposed to be a pregnant black woman but looks like a cenobyte to me
Marxists and ugliness are joined at the hip
One day
Well if we have to get rid of all the confederate statues we also need to get rid of all the Martin lutha kang statues because he was a known racist communist and most of all a tool and a puppet
Byron vandals music got shoahed too
Goys you see the statue of liberty? We will rebuild every one of these statues bigger than the liberty statue don't you worry
How come the Jews haven't reported this
They're evil. Duh
We should retaliate by removing MLK statues
based infinate chan
@Jared TX agreed someone should type up something demanding they be removed and why
You know what's fucked? Apparently you can raise 140k overnight to remove a statue
I didn't know they actually have made a shoulder fired one in sure Israel has them and that reminds me how come Israel is left unchecked? They have ready nuclear weapons but are exempt from inspection
I'm actually more concerned with Israel having them than I would be with NK or Iran