Message from @ManAnimal
Discord ID: 621803923849609230
Power just went out for a solid 10 minutes.
You're not in the prime of your youth, MA
PEP is
that sucks
World star
true; very true
MA your stamina isn’t enough
Power instability as though I'm living in a third-world country.
I will outlast you
And wear you down
And then I will use my finishing move
The fuck is this shit.
if you can take the beating
you a manlet?
And shove my cock up your arse
<anime music stops>
Lambo was born out of a pissing contest between a farming equipment manufacturer and Enzo Ferrari
<gay music starts>
It will be the last Tobin you ever experience
i have plenty of land; they'd never find the body
A dude that made tractors decided that he does not like how ferrari is made and made a "better ferrari"
Mad lad
tractor + ferrari?
I knew it was only a matter of time, Weez.
```“I know this fetish. My girlfriend and me have the same fetish. My girlfriend enjoys her pregnancies and she enjoys the abortion. Her preferred date to abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation.```
Breed me daddies ❤
That, and disproportionate abortions of males.
Lambo is so italian it was made in Sant'Agata Bolognese
sounds like the best think since mounting a high capacity F-15 25 cal onto a prius
Alfa Romeo is annoyed