Message from @MrDrk666
Discord ID: 621803691988746247
Fap endurance contest!
Never start a fight... but ALWAYS finish it...
lmao this retard conveniently left out the fact that in that very same article, it still stated that pepe was a hate symbol
If you don’t come to me, then I will come to you
Prepare yourself
it's like calling someody a criminal but then saying that not everything they do is a criminal act
@PureEvilPie I seriously want you to record your fucking fight with MA
and post it on YT
wouldn't be much of a fight..
Yeah, he'd probably deck your middle-aged ass
doubtful he has the reach
Power just went out for a solid 10 minutes.
You're not in the prime of your youth, MA
PEP is
that sucks
true; very true
MA your stamina isn’t enough
Power instability as though I'm living in a third-world country.
I will outlast you
And wear you down
And then I will use my finishing move
The fuck is this shit.
if you can take the beating
you a manlet?
And shove my cock up your arse
<anime music stops>
be the last thing you ever try
Lambo was born out of a pissing contest between a farming equipment manufacturer and Enzo Ferrari
<gay music starts>
It will be the last Tobin you ever experience