Message from @Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet
Discord ID: 634693275961393153
Give me visa fuckers <:angrypepe:497157904743268363>
no one gets visa. ever
I want visa too
for ever
Visas for legals. Illegals use American Express.
Plebs and your visas
Give me europass <:peperage:588019564575457311>
that's if the US buerrarcy can even determine their criminal record
I'm so disappointed on this group, I expected people that follow Sargon wanted to talk about politics and philosophy, that they were more libertarians and not liberals
boo hoo
Ah you poor child
we do
<Libertarian, but also a troll <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>
My summer child
And not mentioning what I will assume as troll white supremacist
just not with the current group of weebs
This is like the bottom of the barrel of the internet
Waah "be like me or I cry"
Brexit happeningthis month?
We're mostly all "Fuck-you-tarians."
I admit was my expectations fault
Accelerationism is the only way
Its not even worth trying to have a conversation if there are this many people in the chat
Only shitposting
No one cares what you want Fanny, don't be a bitch and wait for your topic to come, jesus so entitled.
Told u <:comfort:592107824826417204>
What did you expect, we are a combination of libertarians, right wing, far right, and we even have some centrists here and 1 or 2 commies <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
But, yeah. 90% of the server is super keen to censor those they disagree with. Often on racial grounds. So, basically libtards.
Welcome to degen club
owned with LOGIC and FACTS
Then we have furries, scalies, weebs, and bronies <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>
@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet 400 but no higher
my dishwasher stinks
Excuse me, I only censor people based on if I like their face or not
@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet the politeia chats are more serious