Message from @Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet
Discord ID: 634694324113768458
Yes, I'm the entitled one that can't even be nice and welcome someone that wants to have a conversation. I'm not the pc baby trying to keep the attention all the time apparently.
oh man guys...
i feel really bad now
<:trumpepe:588019356215279642> iq debate
can we please fuckin close the univerities already before they start a real shooting war?
this video is ridiculous
too late
Shame on you regulars, you made her feel unwelcome, this is why we cant have girls here, only traps like dana and cryo <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
Peace and straightness was never an option
normal families and shiz
@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet Do you like black or white penis more
gay in not the way
Sure, bring it, hope you bring race again for the sake of whites
support you country and chase tail, TODAY
So white penis
Your husband is my bf
seems that way
Mine 2
She has husband boys party over
Don't you know whites sugere from yellow fever?!
Get your hubby to join so we can bully him too
Move move
how is mexico so shit?
Suffer *
here, there are no husbands, wives, gfs, adults or children; here we are all equally worthless
i mean the people who arent chads do
@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet you should know everyone here prolly suffers from ptsd, thinks everyone is a jewish/islamic/deepstate etc. agent or a buzzfeed journalist
cell is based
fight me