Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 618076848231940107

2019-09-02 12:48:44 UTC  

SJWs see people as abstract entities where differences (Gender, Race, Sex, Class, Caste, Culture) are eliminated

2019-09-02 12:48:57 UTC  

Also known as the cult of progressivism

2019-09-02 12:49:50 UTC  

AR recognizes these differences and want to preserve their nations, which encompasses the concept of race as well

2019-09-02 13:03:43 UTC  

AR was introduce by Richard Nixon

2019-09-02 13:04:18 UTC  

Also when you use AR I either interpret it as alternate reality or the rifle.

2019-09-02 13:13:59 UTC  

alt right are massive snowflakes typically

2019-09-02 13:28:16 UTC  

Snap elections season is upon us?

2019-09-02 13:28:44 UTC  

*in the UK

2019-09-02 13:30:45 UTC  

According to some people Boris Johnson might be planning a General Election which would be very dumb of him since he would lose due to the split in his party as many of his voters would vote BXP

2019-09-02 13:31:52 UTC  

"Boris Johnson will hold a hastily scheduled Cabinet meeting at five PM today, before addressing all Conservative MPs in the Downing Street garden an hour"

2019-09-02 13:33:05 UTC

2019-09-02 13:33:16 UTC  

He'll only lose if there's no deal (silent or not) with BXP.

2019-09-02 13:33:35 UTC  

And BXP seems to be open to a deal.

2019-09-02 13:34:11 UTC  

The last thing they want is a remainer govt

2019-09-02 13:35:28 UTC  

Boris won't openly endorse no deal

2019-09-02 13:35:58 UTC  

If he was going to make a deal with the BXP he would have done it by now

2019-09-02 13:36:11 UTC  

What could hurt him could be if it looks like he's being opportunistic like May. He'd have to present it as "opposition says I'm unelected and shit, so here you go"

2019-09-02 13:36:19 UTC  

I'm not talking about deal with EU

2019-09-02 13:36:33 UTC  

I'm talking about a deal between cons and BXP

2019-09-02 13:36:33 UTC  

No one trusts the Conservatives anymore

2019-09-02 13:36:43 UTC  

They won't get the votes they need

2019-09-02 13:36:56 UTC  

It just won't happen unless they deliver Brexit beforehand

2019-09-02 13:37:02 UTC  

They will, if bxp doesn't run in leaver areas

2019-09-02 13:37:17 UTC  

Which is quite probably scenario

2019-09-02 13:38:00 UTC  

They even talked about this on some bxp rally, that they are open to some non-aggression pact.

2019-09-02 13:38:32 UTC  

*in areas with leaver con. candidates

2019-09-02 14:07:37 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:13:08 UTC  

you can accept the referendum result and still be against Brexit or nah?🤷

2019-09-02 14:18:52 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:19:05 UTC  

Against it? Sure. Though purposefully trying to undermine it ever happening is.....very salty

2019-09-02 14:19:09 UTC  

Must get what you want or the world ends

2019-09-02 14:36:27 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine You just proved the horseshoe. You basically described "SJWs" as normie naive liberals (i.e gender, race, sex, culture, etc.) doesn't matter. It's a BS idea but I don't think that's "SJW". What you said is that Alt-Right are not liberal.

What you also said, is basically that AR is basically right-wing SJWs. The **ACTUAL** SJW i.e the opposite of what you call "SJW".

2019-09-02 14:39:46 UTC  

When you have actual SJWs calling for ending whiteness, excluding white males, recognizing privilege, etc. this is not liberal. You are on the side of actual SJWs. If you for example listen to actual SJW "debating" Alt-Right, you notice they align much better than when they debate or lash out on actual liberals:

2019-09-02 14:40:06 UTC  

Alt-Right are nigger fellating right-wing SJWs.

2019-09-02 14:40:36 UTC  

There's no 🆚 when it's SJWs and AR. Both are identitarians who love the game, just root for different teams.

2019-09-02 14:41:39 UTC  

Well, I guess there's "versus" in the sense that different teams in the same game are "against" each other while playing. But they very much love the game.

2019-09-02 14:49:10 UTC  

Also, as for AR supporting meritocracy while SJWs complain about whites and males as media, CEOs, etc. and seeing the only explanation in discrimination of POC (excluding the possibility that maybe niggers are just retarded)... the AR sees media as controlled by the (((Jew))) excluding the possibility that maybe the white people are at least semi-retarded compared to the Kikes. Maybe we aren't the tippy tops. Jews and Japs have us beaten. **FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!!** and stop whining about the Kike.

2019-09-02 14:50:24 UTC  

You are right-wing SJW. Fuck you. Race is real but you are not held down by the (((Jew))) any more than you are held down by the White Supremacy that permeates all the culture. Neither of you are right. You are just whiny pieces of shit.

2019-09-02 15:57:54 UTC  

Look at the ratio on this