Message from @Thundermark
Discord ID: 647197944591679510
@Skellybrote Time to figure out if the SJW finally being true to themslves
Like tbh i would like to see the average germans day in the pre war nazi period
like say 1934
My nigga you truck gold
@Skellybrote My reaction:
*"Finally. A government that values family."*
@Goddess Tyche sounds about right
fucking cringe holy shit that looks bad
this'd be cool if it was like... a high school student's project for their class that they had 5 weeks to work on
the outfit design sucks
this isnt 2d class
if you want an outfit to not look terrible
it needs to have depth
not be thin clothing you could pick up from iparty
Man now THAT is high levels of cringe that i have not seen in a while
This sounds like it's calling someone out in here lol
fuck it, basically every fag in this server but me tbh
i'm an advocate for degeneracy
typo, muzzies *fast for ramababawhatists
can't even have water
its fucking barbaric
Based Dryden