Message from @Snake

Discord ID: 637438694936018944

2019-10-25 20:29:18 UTC  

Honestly I don’t think it’s absurd to say minorities can’t be white supremacists either

2019-10-25 21:07:23 UTC  

Surprising to see this out of Bloomberg...

2019-10-25 23:44:26 UTC  

I think they mean "young leftists." Unless America is really in that bad a spot

2019-10-25 23:45:59 UTC  

The fakest news of 2019

2019-10-25 23:47:50 UTC  

A recent survey conducted by the Campaign for Free Speech asked 1004 people about their attitudes toward the First Amendment. The results, published Wednesday, show that a majority of young adults believe the First Amendment “goes too far in allowing hate speech” and “should be updated.”

2019-10-25 23:48:29 UTC  

Motherfucking morons.

2019-10-25 23:50:45 UTC  

Changing the first amendment would start civil unrest faster than shit through a goose.

2019-10-25 23:51:02 UTC  

Although it does also say that only 48% think Hate Speech should be criminalised

2019-10-25 23:51:19 UTC  

that should be 0%

2019-10-25 23:51:30 UTC  

Too dam high imo

2019-10-25 23:51:30 UTC  

At least it's not a majority

2019-10-25 23:51:49 UTC  

I am willing to bet that they polled uni students when they say young adults

2019-10-25 23:52:05 UTC  


2019-10-25 23:52:06 UTC  

in that case it makes sense, since universities are lefty hellholes

2019-10-25 23:52:25 UTC  

It's easier to talk to youngins at a college than the ones working 9-5

2019-10-25 23:52:35 UTC  


2019-10-25 23:53:23 UTC  

also the article is from campus reform, which implies a university centered poll, but I don't know enough about the study to make a judgement

2019-10-25 23:53:28 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck “isolationist fails again”
>it’s all about trumps rating, and dealings with Ukraine, not actually what I would have it look like.
“I do understand he’s position.”

2019-10-25 23:53:47 UTC  

Like what did the trumps approval rating have to do with it?

2019-10-25 23:53:50 UTC  

@Snake Also, now RUSSIA has to actively deal with the rebels <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-25 23:54:11 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck where? Syria or in Russia?

2019-10-25 23:54:17 UTC  

in Syria

2019-10-25 23:54:38 UTC  

Yeah sand people don’t stop

2019-10-25 23:54:56 UTC  

Sand and mud people, I’ll give it to them those fuckers never quit

2019-10-25 23:55:03 UTC  

Isolationist for pulling out of the ME, still patrols the sea lanes for the rest of the world.

2019-10-25 23:55:24 UTC  

That’s a very reasonable position

2019-10-25 23:55:39 UTC  

But still I disagree with the latter,

2019-10-25 23:55:42 UTC  

It's like people live in a black and white world

2019-10-25 23:55:53 UTC  

They should just completely pull out of the Middle East

2019-10-25 23:56:01 UTC  

They only tend to make things worse

2019-10-25 23:56:07 UTC  


2019-10-25 23:56:25 UTC  

At least when Russia does it they do it in way that respects the countries sovereignty

2019-10-25 23:56:27 UTC  

Let the regional governors take direct control of the star systems

2019-10-26 00:10:03 UTC  

Progressives: Stop using hate speech youguys, it causes people to die!
Also progressives:

2019-10-26 00:24:22 UTC  

It causes people to die... because they're going to be the one's to kill them!

2019-10-26 00:24:44 UTC  


2019-10-26 00:25:07 UTC  

"Don't make us violent by using yur evil hate speech!"

2019-10-26 00:27:53 UTC  

"we can't be expected to control our behavior. YOU'RE the ones who need to change to fit us!"

2019-10-26 00:41:43 UTC  

"save a life, ignore first verse"