Message from @Omar_The_OMAP

Discord ID: 638450368644251658

2019-10-28 16:24:35 UTC  
2019-10-28 17:38:48 UTC  

Seems we have flown off into conspiracy land

2019-10-28 17:46:05 UTC  

In what way?

2019-10-28 17:52:30 UTC  

A conspiracy just describes multiple people cooperating to accomplish a goal, generally implying criminal intent.

2019-10-28 18:01:54 UTC  

fuck me, why am I surprised

2019-10-28 18:01:57 UTC  

hold on

2019-10-28 18:02:41 UTC  

aw fuck it, no point fighting discord

2019-10-28 18:02:44 UTC  
2019-10-28 18:09:33 UTC  
2019-10-28 18:10:34 UTC  

So, yeah, not a 'withdrawal' is it

2019-10-28 18:10:42 UTC  

god damn conman trump

2019-10-28 18:35:18 UTC  

> god damn conman trump
Are you only just realising this? <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-28 18:35:48 UTC  

no, that's a well known sentiment from me around here

2019-10-28 18:36:25 UTC  

Good lmao

2019-10-28 18:39:34 UTC  

I mean for fucks sake his "buy american hire american" schtick was undercut once it got out the language of every order he signed stipulated that America's allies counted as 'buying american'

2019-10-28 18:40:19 UTC  

hope you like shit made in Turkey and shit

2019-10-28 18:40:51 UTC  

or Israel, but frankly so long as its on their side of the '67 border that's fine

2019-10-28 18:45:24 UTC
>To designate March 26, 1991, as `Education Day, U.S.A.'. Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;

2019-10-28 18:46:23 UTC  

My washing machine is from Turkey.

It's outlived its guarantee two years ago. Still up and running.

2019-10-28 18:50:25 UTC  

Zion Don Cucks out again

2019-10-28 18:53:49 UTC  

Whenever you want to make a Israel Shill Angry, Just hit them with the Magic Code: 06-08-1967-Uniform-Sierra-Sierra-Lima-India-Bravo-Echo-Romeo-Tango-Yankee

2019-10-28 22:25:49 UTC  

i mean people were freaking out about him leaving, but now that they are not they are going to freak about about that

2019-10-28 22:26:18 UTC  

and if they are moving to Iraq they are withdrawing form Syria

2019-10-28 22:26:20 UTC  


2019-10-29 00:26:59 UTC  

So they way I see that vote, either it gets shot down due to the blatant partisanship from the few good democrats left, or more likely, it passes and house republicans release ALL the transcripts because of discovery, and it is shown to be (once again) blatant partisan witch-hunting

2019-10-29 00:45:36 UTC  

The resolution is on procedures, not the inquiry itself. The vote will depend on what procedures are outlined.

2019-10-29 00:54:02 UTC  

That is what they say. But truthfully this is a vote on whether or not in continues at all. Republicans will vote down anything that is not 100% transparent, or may vote it down out of spite but to their lack of inclusion in the process so far. Democrats will vote for it because this is their only shot at 2020. There is a section of Democrat's that are in red leaning or purple states that if they back this know they will not get reelected if this fails, and they may be able to swing the house to the republicans side in this vote. If they cannot pass a vote on procedures, they will not be able to pass a vote on drawing up formal articles of impeachment, and they know it. This is the test.

2019-10-29 01:07:14 UTC  

I don't see any way this comes out good for the Democrats.

2019-10-29 01:07:27 UTC  

Then again this is clown world

2019-10-29 01:10:35 UTC  

As it stands right now, the Republicans only require 16 of those democratic house representatives to flip the house in their favor (or 15 and the one independent). And given how things are going, it is very possible for that to happen. Many of the current house democrats are only in their seats due to dispassionate voting in the midterms. But this is a federal election year coming up, and they sure as hell know that 40 seat swing for them will go the other way come next year unless they really suck up to the Trump voters.

2019-10-29 01:12:56 UTC  

Because even with a full investigation, they wont find anything, again, and impeachment will die in the senate, and those 40 seats they won in 2018 will turn into 60 or 80 lost in 2020.

2019-10-29 01:16:18 UTC  

bear in mind that there may also be some republican never-trump quislings that will side with the democrats.

2019-10-29 01:17:32 UTC  

Not if they want to keep their seat. something like 85% of republicans stated they would vote against anyone who voted for impeachment. It would be their last act.

2019-10-29 01:18:16 UTC  

trump derangement syndrome is a powerful thing

2019-10-29 01:19:45 UTC  

It is. but i still cant see more than one or two defectors. it will be a close vote, but that is why they are putting it to a test with this vote while they continue their shady backroom interviews

2019-10-29 01:20:23 UTC  

if it passes, they will push to write up full articles of impeachment

2019-10-29 02:19:34 UTC  

"What's the matter?"
"I'm offended by something"
"Social Justice Police, to the rescue!"

2019-10-29 04:04:56 UTC  

they'd need an army to deal with the number of times those snowflakes get offended