Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 500372236524584960

2018-10-12 17:13:56 UTC  

Oooh good one!

2018-10-12 17:15:35 UTC  

That can be asked about single dads too, (i think the answers are different)

2018-10-12 17:16:01 UTC  

I think the answer is the same, honestly.

2018-10-12 17:16:15 UTC  

I agree with Jesse to a certain extent.

2018-10-12 17:17:58 UTC  

Single parents with children should only be with other single parents with children. Singles with no children fair better with singles with no children.
In this case, the adults have to put their selfish ways behind them and ensure that the bond between the child and the other biological parent is still good.

2018-10-12 17:18:48 UTC  

However, there is complexity that comes with all of that when kids are involved. It would be a delicate balancing act.

2018-10-12 17:21:22 UTC  

However, scripture does not talk about being the husband of multiple wives and kids and I think that is where Jesse is getting that from.

2018-10-12 17:22:08 UTC  

Anyway, in short, it is viable but very difficult. It must be done right.

2018-10-12 17:24:18 UTC  

2018-10-12 17:25:22 UTC  

I guess it gets more nuanced as well if you consider if they had this child out of wedlock or if there was a marriage.

2018-10-12 17:27:38 UTC  

Also you are probably right, no real difference between a single mom and single dad.

2018-10-12 17:28:11 UTC  

single parents should strive to be one and raise their children legitimately.

2018-10-12 17:28:54 UTC  

By getting into a relationship with either, you are an interference to that process.

2018-10-12 17:30:09 UTC  

So yeah, no real nuance either. Sometimes I speak too soon with whatever frivolous ideal pops into my head. I'm trying to overcome that.

2018-10-12 17:50:53 UTC  

I have a question that just spawned from your response. But I will wait till everyone answers your question first. @DasBoles

2018-10-12 17:51:12 UTC  

That is a pretty good answer you have. I agree to it!

2018-10-12 17:53:45 UTC  
2018-10-12 18:08:32 UTC  

Yes, a relationship with a single mom is viable - but I think it depends on the amount of kids, ages, the other parent's involvement - like @Deleted User said, viable but very difficult

2018-10-12 18:13:08 UTC  

It’s not an area that I’m really familiar with.

2018-10-12 18:20:37 UTC  

It's okay, @Officer_Caleb, you can still take a stab at it by looking at it objectively.

2018-10-12 18:21:03 UTC  

Pass on being with female with kids. I'm sure it is fine but no thanks.

2018-10-12 18:21:51 UTC  

Here is my clear answer, sorry for any confusion above. I think single parent dating is harmful to children, and only serves the selfishness of the parent. I know that single parents should be encouraged to set petty stuff aside and raise their children legitimately.

2018-10-12 18:22:13 UTC  

@Deleted User I hear you, bro. I have dated single fathers and 9/10 it is the other parent who has an issue with me. No thanks!

2018-10-12 18:23:06 UTC  

That's the thing, someone somewhere is going to see you as a rival. The other parent, or the child that is not yours.

2018-10-12 18:23:39 UTC  

I'm a "single" father too btw. This was something I did while in rebellion.

2018-10-12 18:26:41 UTC  

i put single in quotes because I am still married to my son's mother, although we have been living separate lives for longer than we had a relationship.

2018-10-12 18:27:17 UTC  

she would say we are single, or not married, and I used to too before my eyes were open

2018-10-12 18:28:02 UTC  

@DasBoles and you both can't work things out?

2018-10-12 18:29:07 UTC  

She doesn't want to. She is taken by the whole women's liberation bologna

2018-10-12 18:29:21 UTC  

Oh. Ouch

2018-10-12 18:31:18 UTC  

I'm not blameless though. My behavior encouraged her. I was an angry volatile boy when we conceived and married.

2018-10-12 18:32:23 UTC  

That's why I support Jesse's message of rebuilding the man to rebuild the family

2018-10-12 18:33:33 UTC  

I’ll repeat this again because my mother has told me this many times, “It’s easier to raise a strong, mature, young man then try and fix a Broken Man.”

2018-10-12 18:34:49 UTC  

And it’s part of the reason why I enjoy watching Jesse.

2018-10-12 18:36:14 UTC  

We are born broken, born into rebellion against God. The ONLY thing that can "fix" that is the redemption.

2018-10-12 18:37:07 UTC  

Very much agreed, and going to Church and being saved myself really helped pave that way.

2018-10-12 18:37:36 UTC  

Christ is a firm foundation for a young men and women.

2018-10-12 18:41:05 UTC  

I thought I was saved when I was little. I said the prayer after all, and got baptized to the applause of the onlooking congregation. Boy was I deceived. It wasn't until I was truly redeemed and given a new heart that it was clear that I did that out of vanity. Its what I was told to do, and it was a way to gain acceptance from people. You could say I took the Lord's name in vain.

2018-10-12 18:43:23 UTC  

God works in mysterious ways though. That life now serves as proof positive of the work God started in me when I was very very young, probably even before the foundation of the world. And as He promised, he leaves no work unfinished.

2018-10-12 18:48:13 UTC  

I was saved at a young age and I understood the decision I was making. It wasn't until I was 13 or 14 that I realized, when I became baptized, what it truly meant to be a Christian. I grew so much after moving to ND and being taught by my Pastor (Jeff) and he really helped me grow in the faith. Sadly, he left the church where I was at and went to work for the Dakota Baptist Association. Which that leads into another conversation at this point so I'll stop. It just shows us that even tho we understand the decision, we don't fully understand until much older.