Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 631294887740047401

2019-10-09 00:20:44 UTC  

"CIA lawyers, working with officers in the Near East Division and Counterterrorist Center, began to draft a formal, legal presidential finding for Bush's signature authorizing a new covert action program in Afghanistan, the first in a decade that sought to influence the course of the Afghan war in favour of Massoud.[98] This change in policy was finalized in August 2001 when it was too late."

2019-10-09 00:21:02 UTC  

Essentially, Bush was ramping things up in the middle east, right before 9/11, right after Clinton had basically ignored the threat

2019-10-09 00:21:18 UTC  

Obviously Bush was *right*, as 9/11 later happened and his fears were confirmed true they would try to attack the U.S.

2019-10-09 00:21:59 UTC  

That's the interesting part of the story that no-one ever talks about. Clinton gutted out counter terrorist programs on the way out of presidency, and Bush was trying to build them back up. Clinton's view was that it was a waste of time and paranoia we would be attacked

2019-10-09 00:22:13 UTC  

Granted, weakening your own defenses makes you a target, but whatever way it goes, the Republicans were right on this way

2019-10-09 00:22:47 UTC  

Massoud is the guy that helped fight the soviet

2019-10-09 00:43:58 UTC  
2019-10-09 00:44:21 UTC  

This gentleman did a good job going through everything

2019-10-09 00:46:23 UTC  

Also there is no evidence for bin laden being on dialysis

2019-10-09 00:50:57 UTC  

I have to admit as a non-American it's much more fun to believe it was a conspiracy

2019-10-09 00:52:03 UTC  

Imagine implying the govt that couldnt hide a semen stain could hide 9/11 plots

2019-10-09 00:54:02 UTC  

Well part of the conspiracy theory is that they weren't able to actually hide the evidence by themselves

2019-10-09 00:54:12 UTC  

And that the MSM had to work non-stop to assist them

2019-10-09 00:54:59 UTC  

And even then some information popped up they say, which it hasn't, but w/e

2019-10-09 00:57:03 UTC  

I think that's the funniest part really. The MSM colluding to *protect Bush*

2019-10-09 00:57:20 UTC  


2019-10-09 00:57:30 UTC  

the narrative was so anti-Bush it got all the way to Europe 😄

2019-10-09 00:58:09 UTC  

That was just when the internet was still relatively small

2019-10-09 00:58:21 UTC  

So even the youth was mostly fed MSM narratives

2019-10-09 00:59:59 UTC  

That's the real impact of the internet. Or more internet going mainstream. Before you had a select few mass media actors so controlling the narrative was fairly easy. This is not really possible anymore.

2019-10-09 01:00:30 UTC  

Silicon Valley is so heavily left that it's actually very easy

2019-10-09 01:01:13 UTC  

It's the small creators that are working countless hours to fight the main narrative

2019-10-09 01:03:11 UTC  

Not so much. I mean when I was young there was a normie internet called AOL. My dad used it. To me places like FB and Twitter are just the new AOL.

2019-10-09 01:03:28 UTC  

I grew up during that time, too

2019-10-09 01:03:47 UTC  

There was no fixed narrative online back then

2019-10-09 01:04:11 UTC  

The internet was pure chaos

2019-10-09 01:04:40 UTC  

So I pretty much disagree completely

2019-10-09 01:04:51 UTC  

AOL was pretty cloistered.

2019-10-09 01:08:00 UTC  

And like FB it was how most people interfaced. But they couldn't (still can't) prevent people from wandering off platform.

2019-10-09 01:08:21 UTC  

AOL was an internet provider

2019-10-09 01:08:27 UTC  

It didn't control any narratives

2019-10-09 01:11:02 UTC  

No you could (many people did) just use AOL services and never interact with the rest of the internet.

2019-10-09 01:13:01 UTC  

I mean sure I'd get the AOL coaster/frisbee and sign on long enough to set a NetZero account or something then ignore it. But a lot of people just used AOL messenger and AOL news etc etc like a lot of people just use FB pages.

2019-10-09 01:43:41 UTC  

>People talking about truth and shit while not using TempleOS

2019-10-09 01:50:49 UTC  

Temple would have looked kinda sexy back when we were using BBS, USENET, and AARPANET.

2019-10-09 05:07:04 UTC  

the internet is trending toward centralization

2019-10-09 05:08:41 UTC  

you mean deep state consolidation

2019-10-09 05:18:29 UTC  

are private corporations part of the "deep state"?

2019-10-09 05:33:54 UTC  

They can be. Normally it would be the case if they either largely depended upon funding from the state, or had contacts within the state, by which they got preferencial treatment.