Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 631936722585780224

2019-10-10 19:24:03 UTC  

which one? diesel generator?

2019-10-10 19:24:06 UTC  

Hehe aren’t you a rapscallion Eccles

2019-10-10 19:24:12 UTC  

Hell no

2019-10-10 19:24:19 UTC  

Always one step ahead of those dastardly lefties

2019-10-10 19:24:32 UTC  

The one from one of the co-founders explaining it had nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with imposing intersectional socialism

2019-10-10 19:24:40 UTC  


2019-10-10 19:24:59 UTC  

is that actually true?

2019-10-10 19:25:44 UTC  

Insofar as i've been able to check, yes. There were several people who started it, and this was the testemony of one of them, so it says nothing about the intent of the others

2019-10-10 19:26:08 UTC  

Nevertheless, that these movements can be started by or co-opted by far-left is a matter of history - same happened to the Occupy Movement, the new atheists etc etc

2019-10-10 19:26:35 UTC  

I don't think they have said it openly, But they did admit on the interview with Andrew Neil to have exaggerated many statements on the state of the Climate

2019-10-10 19:27:14 UTC  

The interviews their spokespeople have given have illuminate how utterly clueless these people are

2019-10-10 19:27:46 UTC  

Did you really expect anything different? These riots don't exactly strike me as the work of committed intellectuals and scholars

2019-10-10 19:27:59 UTC  

Such as the one on TalkRadio who insisted you could replace all of the petrol and diesel cars on the UK roads for 'a few hundred million pounds'

2019-10-10 19:28:50 UTC  

Or the ANdrew Neil one who just wasn't interested in there existing any workable policies

2019-10-10 19:29:34 UTC  

She did refuse to rule out the forced confiscation of petrol and diesel cars

2019-10-10 19:29:42 UTC  


2019-10-10 19:29:56 UTC  

she eclipses even PureEvilPie for mental policy positions

2019-10-10 19:30:36 UTC  

Ask anyone who wants to remove ICE cars where they are gonna get an extra 40Gw from

2019-10-10 19:30:39 UTC  

To be fair you could achieve their goals but only if you adopted such a strict government procedure that it would basically be similar to that of the Soviet Union

2019-10-10 19:30:45 UTC  

When we currently consume about 40Gw

2019-10-10 19:30:55 UTC  

Well they -are- far left, lizard

2019-10-10 19:31:02 UTC  

Some of them

2019-10-10 19:31:10 UTC  

The ones at the top

2019-10-10 19:31:19 UTC  

and that 40Gw is only if half of the car owning household switched to electric

2019-10-10 19:31:21 UTC  

I am sure that some people who are rioting have just bought into the fearmongering

2019-10-10 19:31:43 UTC  

Based on 7.7Kw consumption upon arrival at home after a day's work

2019-10-10 19:32:25 UTC  

I don't know why they feel the need to protest here though

2019-10-10 19:32:35 UTC  


2019-10-10 19:32:40 UTC  

I mean our carbon emissions are steadily going down

2019-10-10 19:32:53 UTC  

If they really want to reduce it they should be doing this in India or China

2019-10-10 19:33:23 UTC  

if you were to assess the mental health of climate extinction protestors you would find a much higher incidence of personality and behavioural disorders than in the wider population

2019-10-10 19:41:46 UTC  

they can get the 40Gw from the 37 new windfarms Corbyn is going to build

2019-10-10 19:48:41 UTC  


2019-10-10 19:50:56 UTC  

Brb just gonna build 5-10k more turbines

2019-10-10 19:50:59 UTC  


2019-10-10 19:51:36 UTC  

Well more due to wind not being totally reliable

2019-10-10 19:51:53 UTC  

but I wanted to use the biggest turbines on the newest farm and best efficiency

2019-10-10 19:51:56 UTC  

Make them feel better

2019-10-10 19:52:41 UTC  

Or we could build 10x of the highest capacity nuclear plants in the USA

2019-10-10 19:53:18 UTC  

I always find the ignorance to reality of EV nuts hilarious

2019-10-10 19:53:39 UTC  

Even though i would personally have a tesla, shit is fast and cheap to run.