Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 629065512466382849
It's not your work, is it?
I do consider myself an artist though
and i consider myself hitler
havent done it yet tho
This channel is original cntent only. And just s yu know, getting people to go off at you and get themselves in trouble doesn't count.
I like you jury
Not sure whether this is considered art but here we are
You do the God-Emporer's work good sir
I'd consider it art, yes. Those figures don't paint themselves.
Why thankyou
@Edog what are you waiting for. The day of the rope approaches.
Oh I was just gonna say @RhinoMaxTV there's some color missing in the painting, but that splains it <:sadgon:544640228166598657>
Not sure what the purpose of that exercise is though
me neither.
i had this realy old pic laying around so i went to microsoft paint and turned it into female hitler. enjoy.
pretty much yea
and the mein kochbuch
i was bored and that was the result
You're welcome lads
Yo laddy lads - I finished up my Dagon video - going live here: hope you enjoy
this is art of the mind
finally some good gallery content
Looks almost Israeli.
Looks like a paladin tank from Generals
@Goodwood of Dank™ You mean very similar to the Merkava?
Or another design that got Israel-ized.