Message from @hypoem87retardius
Discord ID: 628366454491971584
Perfection 👏
Daemon of communism. Note the beard, the starvation, its made from the stuff of nightmares and madness, and it has nothing to loose but its chains.
Ah, X-Men's bestboi
Incest is indeed wincest
@hypoem87retardius is that your work?
Update on my black white and green contest entry. I glazed it with thalo green and liquid. The green is starting to pop a bit.
I personally prefer how it was before. But these things are subjective.
I liked it better with the blue r water but the contest people told me it would be disqualified if I didn’t green it up.
That sucks.
Take it as a compliment I had to ask.
It’s all good. I’m going to darken most of the water a bit and put highlights.
Yeah, you lost some depth with the tint, that might mae t pop agan.
Yes. I used liquin. so it should be dry by tomorrow. Im going to mix thalo and alizarin really dark and glaze the dark areas. Also the area under the mountain is too greenish. I’m going to darken it. We’ll see what happens.
@livid_scrooge I didn't know you were an artst
It's not your work, is it?
I do consider myself an artist though
and i consider myself hitler
havent done it yet tho
This channel is original cntent only. And just s yu know, getting people to go off at you and get themselves in trouble doesn't count.
I like you jury
Not sure whether this is considered art but here we are
You do the God-Emporer's work good sir
I'd consider it art, yes. Those figures don't paint themselves.
Why thankyou
@Edog what are you waiting for. The day of the rope approaches.
Oh I was just gonna say @RhinoMaxTV there's some color missing in the painting, but that splains it <:sadgon:544640228166598657>