Message from @aleks
Discord ID: 315870053583290368
Большой рак
Jao jadno bosno suverena
@Hezbolshevik Ар ю ориджинали фром Босния, товарищ?
Босния это Сербия?
Я Американский
Я из мишигане
@Hezbolshevik я тоже американский.
Зэриз э дигрии ту эврисинк
Где дос зиз релайт?
@Hezbolshevik Май фриенд, зис ис олреди олмост файв ин зе морнинг, ай хэф ту гоу слип нау. Си ю тумороу.
I've studied diamat this weekend. Total fucking waste of time.
Dialectic materialism is, in essence, just like Wordpress theme development.
With about the same cognitive demand
@Firefly Kek, you got kicked
@Deleted User again? Oh no.
From leninist front
i'm leaving anyway, i do not want to be affiliated with you in anyway. you're a sorry excuse for a communist
good riddance
Hope you come back. Good luck.
i love your sarcasm
@Firefly Didn't Russia look more like an anarchist federation (with councils) than people with an unified party? I think this breaks the myth that we need a strong leader and party to get the power. Also, didn't Stalin want democratic reforms like pulling the new constitution?
TIL the USSR was an anarchist federation with non anarchist characteristics
@Prometheus They had assemblies with Lenin yes
This is wanted by anarchists
But pro-Stalin people, and Lenin too considered the ban on factions, as it was needed
seems that Stalin wasn't be able to restore a complete democratic reform
and I criticize this, I think we need to go this way directly
Marxism Leninism is state capitalism
Once the bourgeoise are eliminnated the evil party becomes the new ruling class
trust me i've totally done an indepth materialist marxist analysis to come to this conclusion
I wouldn't say evil