Message from @Vladimir the Soviet
Discord ID: 344526365887823893
Where's my leftypol gone
anarchis <:porky:315615014751043588>
neo feudalist
ancap or llibertarian tho 🤔
I just want to live in a world like mad max
so if the north koreans could drop them nukes already so we can get this party started
you're gonna die
Not before I get in a couple kills myself
alost everyone has weapons in usa
if you live there
nah man I said I wanted to live in mad max world so I gotta go to australia
My chances are better than if commies got into power so I guess its worth it
new wallpaper
@MrAlpal >windows
>mass murderer
Im not going into this again
What if, listen to me here. North Korea is actually a beautiful paradise which is forced into intense isolation by the (((global elite)))? What if, past all the walls and strong handed leadership, there is a beautiful land and people. United with a spirit of their ancestors and a want to be free? Even if it means sacrifice for a more positive freedom? What if North Korea is the traditional paradise we've been looking for? *They marched in line, they praised to something higher, they valued tradition, they are bold and fearless. Infused with the spirit of their nation. They will die for her, for her call is innate. Undebateble for most all.*
@Deleted User He gets it
@Heimat Hey I'm left-handed, that was not very nice OK
Redpill me on kulaks
tito did nothing wrong