Message from @Blebleh
Discord ID: 321034237614620672
people don't just give up power voluntarily
once a power structure is in place, the power has to be taken back
so then you just revolution again
against the people supposedly defending you as an extension of your interests
when ultimately the goal is abolishing unjust power structures, categorically
There are two trends in anarchism: synthetism, which has all the individual trends of anarchism from the perspective of the person; and platformism, which uses discipline, collective responsability and has theoretical unity
i spat with zielgarat about vanguardism too haha
in the second case, the people has to give authority to a committee, the same with a leninist party
I don't think we need a revolution again, we should make a plan so the people can dismantle the state legally and let them having guns
but then you're relying on reformism to take down power structures
why bother?
why not just let the workers *be* the movement
so they consent, and after revolution when all is set up; we can set up the horizontal structures... if something went wrong people have guns
im still not convinced
there's no reformism because we aren't reforming capitalism
but a "plan" for the state to give up power is asking those in power to relinquish power
rather than *taking* it for the people
im not actually sure if we're disagreeing,
i think the party representing the people can be a tool
but it can't be the end in itself
but about if we would need another revolution I'm not sure
Stalin tried the reforms, we would need to have this in mind and purge those who don't want to do it
purge (expelling)
is this the continuation of another leftypol?
doesn't seem too organized
Hello comrades
@Deleted User the owner cannot into roles or moderation
pretty sure that 90% of this server is /pol/ just shitposting
@Deleted User You
The thing is too small to read anyway
@01MEGA It's true, you cannot read it. But what is the motive behind this crusade?
there's no crusade, you can lick on the "open link" button to open it on your browser and read on full size. the server has been flooded with reactionaries and conservatives since i got here, there's virtually no serious leftist discussions and the right wingers have made themselves clear that they have no intentions on having serious dialogues with anyone, but the delusional owner keeps thinking his little server could be used to "train" leftists in debating right wingers. he has very little understanding of his own theory, and admitted to me that he lied about spending "15 years to read on marxism", you can read from the convo i posted above to see why the insult was deserving. keep in mind this was back when i was an anarchist, so i said im not a marxist at the end, i am a marxist now as you can see.