Message from @Alekip
Discord ID: 352772694590357506
@National Trotskyist I'll invade your boipucci 👅
degeneracy. gross
ty i try
***General pinochet was right***
In what <:thonking:275409653842837517>
Hello Comrades
This is why I love pornhub
huh thats weird it auto corrected I said You/tube
We Are Niggers. What
they are niggers
Why was I invited onto that shitty server
I got banned within 10 minutes
for no reason
What server?
It was this one:
for a server about shitposting, they didn't like my shitposts
totally S U C C
I would fuck all if they didn't have the masks on tbh
Is that their fursuit?
@Sandor_Clegane more pics of cute furfag boiz?
Guys I made this
What do you think