Message from @National Trotskyist
Discord ID: 352232274949046292
Remember, the jew flooded europe and is also flooding the rest of the White world with shitskins to destroy the White Race, never forget that
is this supposed to be a piss take commie chat or was it once an actual commie chat?
No idea, but I'll bully anyone whos a real commie
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***ThePVPMasterDuestraw#1047 has been warned.***
kill yourselves shit stains
@Deleted User it was a leftist chat once
@Deleted User Why bully tho 👀
Why bully who?
Fine, I'll tease you. How does that sound?
Why you bully commies?
I'm afraid they might invade Poland again 👀
@National Trotskyist I'll invade your boipucci 👅
degeneracy. gross
ty i try
***General pinochet was right***
Hello Comrades
This is why I love pornhub
huh thats weird it auto corrected I said You/tube
We Are Niggers. What
they are niggers
Why was I invited onto that shitty server