Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 353352256160137227
We Are Niggers. What
they are niggers
Why was I invited onto that shitty server
I got banned within 10 minutes
for no reason
What server?
It was this one:
for a server about shitposting, they didn't like my shitposts
totally S U C C
I would fuck all if they didn't have the masks on tbh
Is that their fursuit?
@Sandor_Clegane more pics of cute furfag boiz?
Guys I made this
Nationalise socialism
I am not in favour with the tories, but what you guys are saying is disgusting, you don't beat them, you eat them.
(seriously though, Labour sucks dick more)
@Deleted User kys
Would you like to join the Stasi?
What do you do?
First of all, what's your ideology?
perticuarly Leninism
Do you want to defend your comrades?