Message from @EuroChad
Discord ID: 347852573610475552
@Thomas Ryan can you make this without the text, i wanna make it into a poster
DM me a full res version and I'll see what i can do
No FB, what is that?
Its what they put in bank bombs, its a ink that you cant get off your skin for a long ass time
They say to spray it on "nazis"
Well then we gotta spray them back. Obviously homie
Super soaker 5000 time
Hmm let me think about this for a little bit
We gotta hit them first too
I may have just the thing with a little bit of a background in chemistry from college something harmless but incredibly difficult to remove from skin...
We need a ton of it. what will it cost
Also I do believe this will be a felony
So maybe balloons
I'm not sure depends on what you put into it if it's harmless it probably won't be a crime
Out of all the things we should be dedicating time and money to, paintballing commies may not be at the top of the list.
Training and local connections is #1.
And #2.
And #3.
Whats happening saturday
All in theory of course not that we'd actually do that
Check TX chat @EuroChad
Potassium permanganate
@Thomas Ryan I agree completely, now more than ever this is needed
You guys see the abomination that replaced Lee?
Supposed to be a pregnant black woman but looks like a cenobyte to me
Marxists and ugliness are joined at the hip
Can these kikes be stopped??
One day
Well if we have to get rid of all the confederate statues we also need to get rid of all the Martin lutha kang statues because he was a known racist communist and most of all a tool and a puppet
Byron vandals music got shoahed too