Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 325064776789131266
Every time.
Oy vey
what the fuck
is this real
that's gross
I just ate old sour cottage cheese and I'm more grossed out by the fact a woman had sex with a dolphin
Damn flipper really fell on hard times after part 2
Poor bastard
Maybe he needs some donations too
You know her?
If she's white, I need me a woman like that
Hard to tell though, you can only see her eyes lol. She almost looks Hispanic or Arab
Shes white
Also imo her arm is too high. I prefer a 45 degree angle or so
That is the "I have a question" salute
Glad to know so many girls are throwing roman salutes that we can be picky fuckers lol
But, aside from the arm angle, I'd guess 8/10 or more. The arm angle can be fixed easily.
I can confirm, there are those who can be picky, and then there's Ronny.
@TXStormer just want to point out that the group on that Wikipedia article is NOT our group and their leader is a convicted child molester so if anyone claims that we are the same group make for to tell them otherwise
Did i miss something?
National Vanguard =/= Vanguard America
It's a bit up in the chat from this afternoon
Scroll up to the guy having an argument on Faceberg. The guy he was arguing with posted a Wikipedia article of National Vanguard thinking it was us
I just got on and was seeing what all I've​ missed
National Vanguard sure fell off
@Fox Tx @Alex - LA @White Millennial TX @Billy Merse @Ductapegang @Prophetmuhammad TX @AugustoPinochet(Paul)TX @Chris7577TX @NDO Eric-TX @kolovrat @Lovagrend Thomas wanted to make sure y'all knew to have your equipment ready to go and on site just in case.
@RCO Nick-TX Of Course!
I know. He wanted to put a reminder out
I will have work sadly