Message from @FURRY SUPREME

Discord ID: 622260682204774420

2019-09-14 02:01:03 UTC  


2019-09-14 02:02:02 UTC  


2019-09-14 02:02:11 UTC  


2019-09-14 02:05:58 UTC  

i swear that kitsch lad did one hell of a latina accent

2019-09-14 02:06:03 UTC  

so accurate, almost makes me wonder

2019-09-14 02:10:04 UTC

2019-09-14 02:11:04 UTC  

@Cúchulainn he is a latina

2019-09-14 02:12:49 UTC  
2019-09-14 02:12:59 UTC  
2019-09-14 02:25:31 UTC

2019-09-14 02:29:19 UTC  

have sex cringe virgin bigot incel ugh

2019-09-14 02:34:34 UTC  


2019-09-14 02:35:22 UTC  

doggo pupper moment

2019-09-14 02:36:45 UTC

2019-09-14 02:37:45 UTC  


2019-09-14 02:37:53 UTC  

he'll yeah

2019-09-14 02:38:33 UTC

2019-09-14 02:41:09 UTC

2019-09-14 02:41:47 UTC

2019-09-14 02:42:25 UTC

2019-09-14 02:43:04 UTC

2019-09-14 02:43:37 UTC  

wow very cool @FURRY SUPREME

2019-09-14 02:44:43 UTC

2019-09-14 02:45:31 UTC  

ok virgin

2019-09-14 02:45:47 UTC

2019-09-14 02:47:33 UTC

2019-09-14 03:29:31 UTC  

do u remember jonathan joestar was killed??

2019-09-14 07:46:07 UTC

2019-09-14 12:16:48 UTC  
2019-09-14 12:16:51 UTC  

he needs NoFap

2019-09-14 13:15:19 UTC  

I wish to add to what you've said though. By culture we're talking about a spiritual organism with a life and spirit of its own; biology is secondary as whilst our nation springs from a common stock, and we van attest a likeness to one another, we can also assert those who don't have our spirit, who may share the whiteness of our skin but reject our culture. Likewise we can assert those who do in fact share our spirit who can assimilate. Then you get some buffoon who shall object, appealing only to a biological view, happy to adopt any culture he pleases it would seem, who will say "you're a civic nationalist". But a civic nation isn't defined by its culture, but a political identity built around shared citizenship. (It is absurd to speak of this outside America, though Americanisation has had its effects.) This is contrary to what we believe because we reject all modes of multiculturalism, instead being you may consider radical assimilationists. There is no such thing as an Aryan of blood. Aryan is essentially a spiritual conception. One can go even so far as to say that it is even only reflected in the three higher caste, with the fourth caste -workers - being more concerned with immediate physical needs..i.e food and shelter.

2019-09-14 13:17:30 UTC  

Things were different once upon a time for the Fascists. Their political doctrine was essentially man as a spiritual being. This was before they were influenced by the Nazis anti-traditional excesses (which btw led to the dominance of the leftist forces in the modern world) whose view was unquestionably materialistic with its appeals to Darwinism and the concept of the Jew vs Aryan in some racial struggle. Furthermore, we reject the obsessive Jewish paranoia recognising that whilst they are indeed foreigners/aliens, they like all other foreigners, would pose no threat to us in the first place of our spirit had been strong enough in the first place, united, with class co-operation among our peoples. These days the overwhelming majority of people will say National Socialism is Fascism, just a German view of it. Really... And what about the conservative revolutionary movement that existed alongside Hitler at the same time? Clowns like Iron March have promoted a generation of these mongrels, and people continue to repeat their folly.

2019-09-14 13:18:21 UTC  

Whilst fascism in my mind was an imperfect political doctrine theoretically (I would point to its collectivism, defense of totalitarianism and its hyper-focus on the state instead of the principles reflecting man's tragic condition and need for transcendence) and was let down in practice (as in Italy corporatism was not employed effectively as it ought to have been), there was enough traditional elements within it to lead it in the right direction if enough people were minded to achieve it. It is a shame because in practice the Italian people at that time did not live up to that. There weren't enough competent men surrounding Mussolini. He found himself isolated.

2019-09-14 13:31:48 UTC  


2019-09-14 14:08:52 UTC  


2019-09-14 14:12:36 UTC  

I wanted to continue on what I was saying before.

2019-09-14 14:12:52 UTC  

Before I was interrupted of course

2019-09-14 14:15:50 UTC  

stfu eat deetz nuts