Alric the Bretwalda

Discord ID: 429389985393934337

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Am I allowed to use slurs such as faggot in here?

I sort of see tolerance of anti-homo views as sort of the barrier for any good rightwing server

Cause I know that it isn't as big of an issue as the migrant crisis...but on a side note I am just sick of the fags.

Speak you fags.

Why not?

What happened to the Jewish question?

How can you have a right-wing tranny?

Like every year the standard of being 'right-wing' lowers and lowers...

And you wonder why some of us moan about conservatism having failed

Well I'm an anti-Semite and anti-gay because I'm a Christian

And from my view God, Family, Nation is the ''Right''

Wish I could

Ban me then. Earn your shekels, goy

Hello scum.

I was expecting a deeper voice with that mask on. @Deleted User

Philosophy and nationalism? Not a delightful tonic imo.

But if YouTube is taking you down, there must be something worth watching.

Hmmm I can get behind accelerationism.

It's either very clever or utterly foolish. Perhaps the latter.

I don't know why that video is so funny.

Hello @Deleted User why you link me that video, friend?

@Fourth stage From where?

Been on many servers.

Most often times I get banned by Papists for promoting polygamy or something like that.

No, who is he?

Doesn't ring a bell, sorry.

Why? To redpill them?

Keep up the good work. Alt Lite would have been considered progressives just a decade ago.

Some Prager/cultural nationalist/kike-loving/capitalist/conservative moron is triggering meon another room. Here's a great video Vox Day did exposing all that:

What's that wizard stuff? @Deleted User

Got banned by @Priyanka for apparently calling a guy a 'beast' when he called himself a beast by saying we all descend from apes, and that homosexuality is natural among men as it can be discovered among animals.

Never put a woman in charge of a server, especially a politics server, especially when she's a hippie-loving cow-worshipper from India.

More like curry-negro.

We need some good philosophy servers. I'm not much of a philosophiser, but the content tends to be a lot more substance-based than the shitposting-tier garbage that you see in most political ones.

That 8 values thing is really pretty bad in terms of the results you get. I mean I got right-wing populist, which isn't really that accurate, but how much variety can an 8-value system have? I think I was balanced on all three except diplomatic axis, which makes sense because I'm a nationalist.

Might try out that politiscales, Shade. What's it all show? @Deleted User

Hi babe. What's that Politiscales quiz supposed to show? Work? Fatherland?

Okay will do it shortly. @Deleted User

I beat @Priyanka at chess btw.

Now what?

@Deleted User This guy is less of a conservationist and more punitive on the justice system than I am. I simply don't believe in destroying our natural habitat, nor do I believe in locking a bunch of troubled people in a small vicinity. Would rather have local watchmen and the death penalty for serious crimes.

@Deleted User Same thing with this woman also.

@Priyanka Who'd have thought I'd have more heart?

Owen Benjamin is fantastic.

Watch his video "Alex Jones Responds". Most woke shit ever.

He's being pushed.

I'm not an American, but if I was, I'd vote for the one who criticises Israel.

@Deleted User Czechs are atheist scum.

What ethnicity are you? @Deleted User

@Deleted User You sure you'rew not Jewish?

According to your roles, you're a capitalist, liberal, progressive, globalist, stinking Jew? @Deleted User

I understand like the casual shitting on a European neighbour, especially one like Czech Republic, where they have no concept of religion there. But desiring to wipe out half of Europe or whatever...not sketchy at all....not unless you're a Jew.

All nationalist groups must concentrate on the Jew first and foremost. Not strictly on Islam. And we must also attack the banking system.

Nothing degenerate about plural marriage. Don't get jealous. @Priyanka

The political compass is useless. Also, your results look meme-ish. @jade

Am I your favourite user?

@โŸluminance I am Kaizo's favourite user, but what about the rest of you?

Get on board the bandwagon please.

Trump is one of the most Zionist presidents ever. He is a scumbag.

Me and Shade hate his guts. We want true nationalism, not Israel-First faux-nationalism.

@Deleted User My dear babe.

True true. But you do realise the end goal is to have one world government straight out of Jerusalem? @Deleted User

Tick tock.

Yeah, let's blow it up. You do realise EU are a bunch of commies too, that are the great obstacle to true European unity? @Deleted User

Nice. And you also realise that one of the main goals of the Jewish mafia is to destroy Christianity to fragment and break apart Europe? @Deleted User

And you also accept that I am Hitler 2.0 and that I am going to be the kingslayer of the whole Jew World Order, and cave their little Antichrist lemming in the head before he even has chance to charm the entire world? @Deleted User


@Priyanka deleted me from her friends list because she's afraid that I will force her to be my concubine in real life.

@ImNotPsychotic You around?

@Deleted User Hi Shade. Ovation is afk, but he said he'd be back in a bit.

Don't even mention Brexit.

Depresses me.

@Deleted User Come back.

@Fox, The Kamen Rider Don't be afraid. We are all very soft and cuddly.

0% just to play Devil's Advocate

Fox join the VC

I'm fascistic. @Deleted User

First civil war ended America in my view. Won't be a second civil war. @RandoDeJambo @Joe The Communist

Balkanisation more likely than civil war in my view.

You centre-right? Only in the Jew world order. @RandoDeJambo

You won't get your $1000. @โŸluminance

But you might get a pair of chopsticks.

You sure Trump isn't the accelerationist option?

It was that way from the beginning, but he's broke the illusion, so again you sure he isn't the accerlerationist option?

I don't think that'll happen. I think you'll surrender your guns like every other country has done.

So long as they're legal and they're working, right?

Lmao. What?

If I hadn't met you before, I would have assumed you're a libtard also.

I'm not an American. I want America to collapse as fast as possible for the sake of Europeans.

Alright, Kaizo. Yang isn't going to win though.

I thought all the Americans wanna vote the Jew Bernie Sanders.

Vave, perhaps traps aren't gay. Perhaps it's just a very elaborate roleplay.

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