Message from @Colonel Clint
Discord ID: 630898782141415426
uhh yes and no
trunk is fine
but branches are a bit weird
Where'd you find that? Or did you make it yourself?
Made it, but will have to start from scratch... LOST IT!! lol
Made in speedtree?
That costs money 😬... No. I am a cheap skate when it comes to things like that 😂
Tree it
I have thousands of boababs around me, I think I should get some photos before I try this again
Was gonna do a 3d scan, but I don't think it would work
OK so I do still have some pics... I was way off
That's far cry 2's baobab
God I loved Far Cry 2 Vurhonga Savanna map from The Hunter Call of the Wild
Ja FC2 was lekker though the constant respawning enemies was a bit much! But I loved the setting. FC series really should revisit it...
Nope, they'd get too much flak because it's not white people or random arabs being killed, and that's racist in the media's eyes.
Eh maybe or they just don't feel like returning to that setting yet.
Probably, but after the media got on them for not saying 'white man bad' in Far Cry 5 I can tell you there's no way they'd risk the media crucifying them on a return to Africa.
Screw the media. They can flap their lips all day but the next day they'll always be talking about something else and completely forget yesterday.
It's all about clicks.
We can all think that but no corporation would risk losing even a dollar over it.
I seriously doubt they would lose a lot of sales. Maybe from a few soccer moms buying their sweet little johnny his birthday present but as for the average gamer that purchases their own games they won't give a damn.
Anyway best to move this chat to off-topic
Nvm saw it TreeIT
I'll dl it too and see if I can create some acacias
Needs more branches
Looks nice
First map I'm going to reuse one of the afghan maps. Delete all the afghan buildings and out of place foliage. Add baobabs and acacias and african huts and buildings
Yip, had a lot of branches, but took them out, looked to cluttered (don't know how to much detail will affect fps) but ja A.D.D is getting the better of me
Another though I had was that it would be a better way to add leaves, to hide the lack of branches. But it doesn't work like that, need more branches for all those leaves ;/
@66Lost99 It depends on how many polygons the tree has. You can have a lot of branches provided they're low res.
If you look at some of the trees in squad the smaller branches are 2d
LODs are also a factor. The further away the tree the less branches and detail needed
Cool, add branches back in, and yes it looks better already ;) still having a problem with the leaves, but will see