Message from @Nick-NJ
Discord ID: 409359278898675733
Good luck bruder!
Thanks, my friend. I’m gonna try @Reinhard Wolff ‘s donkey guard for extra credit
In fact, it may be the only thing I do. Then cross my arms and say “Wut.”
They’ll bump you to purple belt if you pull that off.
Got Leah to share a BJJ technique she learned yesterday while I was plowing snow.
Forgive the terrible camera work please.
Little vid for @Jeb! Nationalism - MD
@Deleted User Awesome video, thanks for the help
Very welcome hope it helps!
Fun with the goys
Good stuff
Anyone use this before?
Unfortunately from what I've read, theyre just a meme.
Read the same super disappointed. Also big waste of money because there over 80$
I think we know who to blame for this false advertising........
All those bicep curls are paying off for my lanky arms 💪
@Nick-NJ#9920 v. @BigBadSaxon - ID battle when?
How annoying is it when discord wont let you @ somebody
Lb for lb Nick has me beat! It would be a valiant contest to be sure
@BigBadSaxon - ID well you've got me on bench for sure, bro. What fed do you compete?
@Nick-NJ My last meet was SPF, but the one before that was USPA
Nice, I've been competing in USAPL
Is USAPL tested?
My first comp I came in 2nd but the guy who beat me was Tee Popoola and he set a world record so I felt good about it
@Suomi Stronk Crisp form bruh
Yes sir USAPL drug tests
I should do a tested fed because competing against guys on gear is a little skewed haha
@BigBadSaxon#3903 yeah but you have giant’s blood so it evens out.
Mirin cuts
Typical weekend in SoCals alt right scene
The Alt Right scene there is the only reason I'd move out to Cali
Great weather too!