Message from @Brooke
Discord ID: 388765836493455361
sure you CAN get enough carbs out of just veggies but are you likely to? im skeptical. i agree with your point about processed food. organic is meh. carbs serve many more functions then simply supplying energy they are ESSENTIAL for muscle growth. nothing wrong with eating bread and pasta ect.
@shyguy, I suppose it's a matter of lifestyle and what diet you want for yrouself. Not trying to push Paleo, just answering some questions about it. I have a day where I carb-out for mental health. You can't eat perfect all the time, plus having intermittent processed carbohydrates such as bread and pasta can jumpstart fat burning. I think it's a good idea to eat strictly 80% of time or so.
fuck left vs right
the true war is carb vs no carb
Lol carbs are bad cuz of pop tarts.
the holy carb wars have begun
I am sure potatoes lower your test levels too. Bro science says so
Well, the multiculturalist want ot shove processed food into our mouths and filth into our eyes and ears from controlled media so we stay feeble, preoccupied and docile because of low T
>I eat like caveman! Arrr
>so mainly insects, larvae, grains and berries?
>nah bro. Ribeye and brok.
insects are delicious
fried grasshoppers are GOAT
Butter in my coffee, just like dudes 5000 years ago. It must be true because vibram shoes with toes.
the tibetan lamas drink butter tea actually
they claim it is highly beneficial
People do that to coffee?
i think it’s called bullet coffee
wait it’s bulletproof
supposed to burn fat but I think it’s bs
I put coconut milk in mine, not bad
I find it a good alternative to dairy, especially for a coffee creamer
I’ve only had almond and I’m not the biggest fan. I only use it for shakes and cereal
does coconut milk taste too coconutty??????
No it doesn't taste coconutty some brands are more coconutty than others though
I've been blending it with cocoa powder, stevia and coffee and it's a pretty good "mocha"
I know SILK makes almond and coconut blended together. I may try that
It's pretty good
This is my favourite brand
I'm in Saudi right now and all I can find is canned crap
coconut milk is a way of life
It has the most neutral flavor
coconut>almond milk
Almond milk tastes like soggy almonds and water
but I tolerate it since I hate drinking dairy milk
Yeah me too lol
@Deleted User i may try your mocha recipe. I spend too much money at Starbucks
I tried all kinds of non dairy milks and coconut has been my favourite still
@Stephanie , it's not bad if you have good ingredients