Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 389153226202677259
@Reinhard Wolff youre the best fam
i nominate you for leader of IE
You got it.
One day we will all be as glorious as the golden one
*become who the golden one is*
Fuck yes cannot endorse the avatar of the JOOCEY one enough
This is a discord for true friends. Devoted followers of the truth of the glorious lion
Hail, true friends
A brotherhood of joocey pale orcs
We must not disgrace our Primarch
Teddy has a message for all true friends.
Teddy: *Hail Victory*
IE Euro dance clubs when?
If you guys have never used knee sleeves for leg day I highly recommend
Got a brand you recommend?
Yeah I'll post in a sec
Give me like 15 min
I've got a pair of knee sleeves but i don't always use em anymore
They only sell them one at a time tho
So you have to buy 2
Okay. Thanks
They're the best brand
But I compete in powerlifting so I was okay with the extra shekels for the quality
For something cheaper I can't speak to the quality of the ones provided but I'm sure our brother wouldn't steer you wrong
yeah i dished out a bit for some nice ones too
Be very careful about knee braces
If you use the wrong kind of brace for the issue you have, you will make it worse.
If you put compression on the wrong part of your knee it may increase the amount of strain on wherever it is that you're having an issue
I did this when I was in high school when I had meniscus problems. I bought a compression knee brace that ended up making my issue worse because it was compressing the wrong part of the knee
i try to just eliminate as much knee travel as possible and really focus on using hip rom
no knee problems now
plus i made my posterior chain dominant instead of quads
really helped