Message from @StrawberryArmada
Discord ID: 389489200371597314
It’s always best to start with the smallest lifts possible (e.g. bar only) in order to master the form
Some exercises like deadlift have 135lb minimum weight since the bar has to rest high enough off the floor
Tbh I've never lifted in a gym
I exercise at work. I don't really have the time or access to a gym.
@everyone this should be the Avatar for this chat.
How small are you @StrawberryArmada
@Ben - OH , you can get 25# or even 10# bumper place that are the same diameter as the 45s. Not at your local globogym though.
I am 6'5" and weigh about 160lb
Holy shit
I'm 5' 11" and 160
Y’all and skinny
I used to have an ED
Nigga u a javalin
That's why I don't weight a ton
GOMAD but unironically
You should probably pack on the pounds before you start to lift
130lb and 6'5"
Wait, you were even thinner?
twigniggaz ITT
Lifting will help stimulate his appetite and put on the right kind of weight though
The reason i ask is I'm naturally a small guy. In my late teens early 20's I went from 6 foot 130 to 6 foot 175 with dbol and working out. But then I quit and went back down to like 140 and stayed there till I was 30 and now at 32 I've gotten back to 178 by eating right and working out. The main thing is consuming more calories than you burn.
I'd recommend a fat and protein diet
@StrawberryArmada you can put on weight and muscle mass pretty quickly if you're already smaller/underweight
just eat way more
eat all the time
Steak and eggs sauteed in lots of butter
as much as you can
and lift all the time
I try to eat 2800 calories a day
Nah bro, this guy needs high everything
and take a fiber supplement as well so that the extra food intake doesnt fuck with youre GI too much
Not just fat and protein
You must have an insane metabolism