Message from @evan- florida
Discord ID: 430039811399614464
I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good book on their Spanish heritage. 🇪🇸
@SamanthaM I think you should be our resident librarian :). Do you have a good suggestion for a book on Franco or the Falange? Thanks.
@Zyzz Lol, glad you asked. Just picked this up on Amazon. 100% recommend. There's another good one that I'll post later.
Also, anything by Antonio Primo de Rivera is absolutely essential!
Selected Writings (Roots of the Right)
For those interested in a cultural history of Europe, I recommend From Dawn to Decadence by Jacques Barzun. Here is an excerpt.
This blog is gold.
@everyone does anyone have a good book rec on Weimar Germany?
by Christopher Clark
@Nemets and @SamanthaM thank you
She’s got a book for literally everything
@Chillbro Swaggins-CA Lol, huge gap on a lotta subjects.
@SamanthaMHolds the tital for Queen of books! Lol ⚔📯👸
@celticflame Thanks. Btw, awesome white pill you pointed out in general!
Someone give her the 'IE Librarian' title
@SamanthaMyour welcome hon😉❤
Not our guy but he doesn’t shy away from mentioning all the chosen people and their role in the Soviet Union.
Great book on the Jewish Communist subversion and infiltration of the Catholic Church.
@nils One of the most fantastic books on the decline of Church power! Highly recommend.
Just throwing this out there, I’m a grad student of “modern” European history, so if any of y’all are ever curious about anything (especially regarding the prototypes to our movement and inspiring ideological, political and philosophical figures) just give me a shout. If I know the topic you’re curious about I’ll eventually get back to you. I love discussing the stuff so it’s no obligation to me
anyone have any books to recommend about the Byzantine empire?
@Gaius Mucius Scaevola Lost to the West by Lars Brownworth if you want a good survey, or The Byzantine Empire by Charles Oman if you like Victorian histories
I've heard it claimed often in Identitarian/alt-right circles that the ancient Greeks and Romans were much closer in appearence to modern north/north-west Europeans than the people who live in those countries today due to miscegination over time. Does anyone know what evidence there is for this claim?
@Travis - IN It’s not true. Modern greeks have more north euro ancestry today because of slav invasions in the 7th and 8th centuries
The author of the piece is an interesting guy - was involved in the British far right for a while
Russia in Flames: War, Revolution, Civil War, 1914 - 1921 by Laura Engelstein
Author does a good job of covering the usually ignored uprisings of non Slavs in the periphery of the old Empire, but ignores Idel-Ural completely and has some minor errors
some minor factual errors. Mazepa defected to the Swedes, not the Poles. Also the reactionaries weren't completely delusional in attributed Grand Duke Sergey's assassination to the Jews - the author leaves out Dora Brilliant's role in the bombing
Newest pickup
Got the landmark Caesar campaigns for 29.99 originally a 65$ collection
Gonna probably collect the other landmark series
Been really into the folio society books lately as well
If anybody is interested, I’ve been reading a lot of German/Austrian intellectual history from 1750-1970 the past few months.
If that interests anybody, just ask me for suggestions