Message from @DeButcher

Discord ID: 803890044737159188

2021-01-26 22:27:56 UTC  

I know, right? Has anyone else seen the blobfish?

2021-01-26 22:28:17 UTC  

Yeah, I mean if we're made in his image, and we have senses of humor, don't you think he would too?

2021-01-26 23:04:47 UTC  


2021-01-26 23:07:49 UTC  

Gonna drop this here but... Jeez. Remember when Jesus was at trial and the people of the land chanted and demanded that the "get rid of the problematic person who offended them"? And the government could not find anything dirty on him and there were testimonies so obviously false they contradicted eachother. And the Guy washed his hands and said "Im going to wash my hands of this guys fate, this blood will be on YOUR hands. Im going to release one prisoner who do you want?" And they said "Give us the criminal killer and kill this guy instead."

2021-01-26 23:08:33 UTC  

Now... Im not saying Trump is innocent or perfect. But feels like I just made this weird connection that nothing has changed since then.

2021-01-26 23:16:17 UTC  

Just saying we have people trying to convict an innocent man and get rid of him while letting a criminal free reign while a minority screams for the government to spill his blood.

2021-01-27 02:27:15 UTC  


2021-01-27 03:59:21 UTC  

Much of the people who *despise* Trump were the ones that either would have lost their influence if they didn't try to destroy him *and* those who support him, or they were ones that were deceived into hating him.

Instead of seeing how they'd been lied to or mislead, many doubled down and refused to even *humour* the thought that they could have erred. The Pharisees didn't want to lose their influence. Jesus said they were incorrect on many things, yet they didn't want to change. So they killed him.

I'm not saying that I saw Trump as the second coming of Christ, far from it. But I see parallels with those in power trying to hold onto the death grip they have on their power. The desire to be the "big man", even if others get burned because of it.

2021-01-27 05:27:09 UTC  

Alluha akbar mean God is great in arabic, so yeah you can use it as a christian

2021-01-27 06:16:52 UTC  

Hello there, i thought allah and the God of Abraham are different. Isnt this so?

2021-01-27 06:59:56 UTC  

I means 'allah is great' not 'god is great', allah does not translate to god, allah is a pagan deity of the moon, so no christians shouldn't use it. allah is not YHWH

2021-01-27 07:01:29 UTC  

You are correct, I don't know why people think allah and Yahweh are the same.

2021-01-27 07:18:25 UTC  

What is the arabic word for God? @Supertonesfan91

2021-01-27 07:26:25 UTC  

They aren't the same god the claims of mohammed contradict the bible.

2021-01-27 07:27:09 UTC  

I know that christian God and islam God are not the same.

2021-01-27 07:27:12 UTC  
2021-01-27 07:29:45 UTC  

Then why did you say christians can say 'allahu ahkbar'?

2021-01-27 07:30:02 UTC  

Allah means God in arabic

2021-01-27 07:30:18 UTC  

From what I know

2021-01-27 07:30:27 UTC  

Well lads, we apparently have the Buddha to thank for the existence of the patriarchy......... yep

2021-01-27 07:32:02 UTC  

Now like you said if Allah is the name of the muslim God then what is the translation for God in arabic? @Supertonesfan91

2021-01-27 07:48:15 UTC  

I'm a bit late, but there is evidence that three particular genes contribute to psychopathy, so yes, somebody can be born with the genotype, but sometimes they only show psychopathic traits like killing animals if they are raised in a bad environment, so that's also a factor

2021-01-27 07:49:06 UTC  

That's all I know about it, I do a psychology course but psychopathy is not a topic on its own

2021-01-27 08:07:21 UTC  


2021-01-27 15:55:14 UTC  

Just putting this here for the guy who says animals have reason and fee will.

2021-01-27 16:10:48 UTC  

God laughs at the leftists

2021-01-27 16:11:28 UTC  

When it comes to animals, do I believe they will be in heaven? Yes
Do I believe they have free will? No

2021-01-27 16:11:45 UTC  

It is something that has stuck with me since childhood.

2021-01-27 16:17:00 UTC  

I do

2021-01-27 16:40:13 UTC  

Do you think animals have a soul even though they were not created in God’s image?

2021-01-27 16:50:26 UTC  

Angels weren't created on God's image either

2021-01-27 17:19:42 UTC  

Good afternoon. God bless you all, God bless America, (and God bless pinnapple pizza 🤣)

2021-01-27 18:01:52 UTC  

God Bless!

2021-01-27 18:06:56 UTC  

God only created us to replace the fallen angels in the first place. (Look up verse: a third of the stars fell from heaven) if there are animals in heaven, it would be only for the purpose of glorifying God. But in no way do they have souls. I’m sure St Thomas Aquinas has answered this question, but someone would have to sift through the Summa Theologica lol

2021-01-27 19:14:27 UTC  

@Jenjen I don't think that it's biblical what you are saying about humans replacing the fallen angels, humans are distinct from angels.

2021-01-27 19:16:46 UTC  

> It is something that has stuck with me since childhood.
@Kit_DewStein That doesn't mean that it's true.

2021-01-27 19:17:05 UTC  

Doesn't mean it isn't either

2021-01-27 19:17:32 UTC  

It doesn't hurt the faith to think animals go to heaven when they die

2021-01-27 19:17:53 UTC  

Why would animals be in heaven?

2021-01-27 19:19:07 UTC  

You're going to have to point out biblically something to backup your claim.

2021-01-27 19:20:31 UTC  

Yes humans and angels are distinct. These ideas are from the visions of St Hildegard Von Bingen, a Christian mystic from midevil times. I don’t think you would find it in the Bible one way or the other. But generally the church fathers agree that the angels fell from grace (or remained in grace) before the creation of the world.