Message from @Louis Loire - NY

Discord ID: 471397496845762570

2018-06-28 12:43:20 UTC  

given the state of Paris nowadays, lol

2018-06-28 13:48:31 UTC  

Yea, Paris is the Detroit of Europe now. 💩

2018-06-29 01:43:47 UTC  


2018-06-29 01:43:49 UTC  

Too true

2018-06-30 22:28:54 UTC  

Bismark, did nothing wrong? OR cucked the Kaiser a bit too much and lead to junker repression in the traditional power structures of the country?

2018-07-23 02:44:00 UTC  

@Attrition in the desert What do you know about the Congolese war? I was watching some video of it, and the squad tactics seem very undisciplined. I know most of the Europeans were mercenaries from Belgium and England. Do you know anything about the minimum requirements for a contract? It seems like they weren't too picky

2018-07-23 12:45:10 UTC  

From what I understand the European involvement was more of a loose coalition of private MCmercs under some African militia colonel. Kind of like the French foreign legion but with the added baggage of Belgium's history of doing nothing wrong in the congo

2018-07-23 13:22:27 UTC  


2018-07-23 13:22:45 UTC  

Right, I knew that, it's just that those mercs seemed especially incompetent

2018-07-23 13:23:49 UTC  

Mercenaries are usually a pretty retarded solution anyway

2018-07-23 13:24:42 UTC  

Clearly the best solution to insurrection in central Africa is a few good men in short shorts

2018-07-23 13:26:46 UTC  

That being said, King Leopold had a literal gold mine in the Congo for a while, if I was betting on any African country to rise up with the benefits of colonialism in the 19th century it would have been them or perhaps the ivory coast

2018-07-23 13:28:22 UTC  

I think Jarod Taylor actually talks about it in some interview I've seen

2018-07-23 13:29:12 UTC  

The Congo is a miserable place to live. After the benefits of European medicine were cut, it's no surprise to me that the people living there went back to barely being able to survive

2018-07-23 13:31:04 UTC  

It's truly staggering that a people living next to Arabs that had invented the wheel, could not even *adopt* the wheel until civilization was forced upon them

2018-07-23 13:33:38 UTC  

I have a short book on the history of Zanzibar that you might like

2018-07-23 13:34:57 UTC  

Nice, what's the title? I've been getting into the history of the Berber people lately and the bastion of civilization that north Africa used to be

2018-07-23 13:35:39 UTC  

I still maintain that St.Augustine was white

2018-07-23 13:38:04 UTC  

The History and Economics of Zanzibar or some shit

2018-07-23 13:46:28 UTC  

You ever hear about Mansa musa?

2018-07-24 19:25:21 UTC  

Berbers are a very interesting people

2018-07-24 19:25:30 UTC

2018-07-24 19:27:26 UTC  

Yeah they are pretty white

2018-07-24 19:28:17 UTC  

I think they are descended from the original Phoenician peoples that mingled with the romans and just identify as "arab" on government surveys.

2018-07-24 19:32:36 UTC  

@Attrition in the desert what's Mansa Musa?

2018-07-24 19:33:16 UTC  

@Attrition in the desert @Louis Loire - NY that girl looks extremely African in that portrait

2018-07-24 19:34:54 UTC  

@John O - He was an African King that went on Hajj through parts of Europe and dispersed huge amounts of gold (Of which he had no idea the value of) and crashed the economy of several states along the way lol

2018-07-24 19:42:24 UTC  

She is African berbers are without a doubt Africans they were in northern Africa before most Arabs and blacks @John O -

2018-07-24 19:44:30 UTC  

They are white Genetics wise no other way to get blue eyes/ blond hair besides serious mutation

2018-07-24 19:47:01 UTC  

@Attrition in the desert Oh yeah, I've heard of him, but only throught the context of pro-white media. "The richest man in the history of the world was African".

2018-07-24 19:47:52 UTC  

I like how they will say "We can't actually measure his wealth" and "He was the richest man of all time" in the same paragraph.

2018-07-24 19:48:46 UTC  

What was your train of thought yesterday, though? Why did you bring him up?

2018-07-24 19:50:21 UTC  

We were talking about the ethnic multiplicity of North Africa, Mansa Musa is perhaps a perfect metaphor for the vast riches of an extremely wealthy region being in the hands of people too uncivilized to appreciate or capitalize on it.

2018-07-24 19:52:27 UTC  

If we think about North Africa during the time of the Punic wars or the Ptolemies or even When the Bishop of Alexandria ran everything as a quasi-roman theocracy it was pretty based. I think the region has potential to rise above the ooga booga and tap the vast resources of the dark continent.

2018-07-24 19:52:54 UTC  

With white people of course

2018-07-24 20:11:12 UTC  

I'm always suspicious of the veracity of the stories of the superiority of the white man and the savagery of the black man. The question here is, if they didn't recognize the value of gold, where did they get so much of it? They probably didn't trade it, which means they probably sunk huge amounts of man power into mines. Why would they do that if they thought it was worthless?

2018-07-24 20:14:25 UTC  

The reason I question these stories is because it's very important for us to stay grounded in reality. There's a reason why the Hoteps are laughed at by everyone, and it's not jealousy

2018-07-24 21:22:14 UTC  

Recognize is a relative term when we talk about how much value mansa musa (in this instance) found in gold. Its my belief that , in terms of the periphery of Africa, not the interior, that most of these African ideals of society and economy are simply a simulacra they produce based on interaction with the Arabs.

2018-07-24 21:24:37 UTC  

Mining is not a worthwhile operation unless you put the products of your labor towards weapons or tradeables. Why would you dedicate huge amounts of resources towards digging massive pits in the ground unless you could do something with what you pull out?

2018-07-24 21:26:01 UTC  

For the purposes of Islamic traditions that had been instilled on them. The impetus for this entire event, is once again a hajj.

2018-07-24 21:27:46 UTC  

Mali was by no means a vassal state, but I can see the enterprise of gold production to be completely developed on the idea of promoting and appeasing the ideas of piety the Mali people adopted