Message from @Jacques de Chan
Discord ID: 812921516307775519
you wouldn't happen to be Commie Naahzie would you???
Yeah I got finally banned
i still don't know how i got banned
all the shit i did on twat was tame
On the new acc I get more impressions than the last one and I'm on -170 followers
i.e. my name was NOT something like "commie nazi" and I did NOT say racial slurs
I kept racial slurs to a minimum and wasn't / am not some wignat but the names not it. Lasted through many banwaves
sheeeeit, welcome vro
Too much quote tweeting, Jacques
Who are you on the bird app hpbruhcraft
bronzeagejuuler :)))
Underrated account
Not good for your health
Quote tweeting a radlib / tradcath gives you instant e dopamine tho
i try, even if it's just a throwaway side-account that doesn't have a fraction of the amount of followers as my old one did
twitter is a disease
Keep huslin
Twitter is pretty fun if you don't let it internetize you
I have a Ravenfield config set up like Red Orchestra 2 but the Soviets keep on dying faster and it seems to be constant
nvm just capped more of the flags and their reinforcements are dropping steadily :D
Vaush is right and we are wrong.
I'm a liberal from now on
Hobbes? more like debunked
rad lib market socialism is now my life
how will we ever recover 😔
What's happening
Vaush owned the server
We're all about to commit ritual suicide
I think that my laptop should have atleast 3 TB of child porn
Thanks vaush
I'm going to follow my leader nnow
I wanna fit in with the cool kids tell me what's going on
4tb or you're a lib
something something identity crisis over retard pretending to make their arguments
context? im too busy larping as a bolshevik on my game for children
one of my favorite little details of ravenfield is that bodies and textures persist after the battle ends and nothing is spawning anymore, really sets the mood of a finished battle
some guy on the server apparently tried to debate vaush using arguments literally badly copy-pasted from giuli and co. and got destroyed because he has zero debating experience (plus he's a mulatto)