Message from @StrawberryArmada
Discord ID: 339176662489104384
@ me if you have questions internal medicine doc could answer
Anyone have good treatment for burn blisters?
Cool water for about 7 minutes.
Put really loose wrapping around it.
There is some medication you can take for them, but you can just put some aloe vera on it.
Don't pop it for starters. Blister treatment 101
Yeah, popping it will open you to infection.
mole skin @StrawberryArmada
and yes don't pop it
prevent any more friction moleskin is the best way to do that if its on your foot
Also I thought mole skin was for preventative measures.
Ohhh, that is what you had in mind.
its more for after the fact but can be used for both
you cut a hole the size of the blister in the moleskin and place it on preventing any more friction while allowing the blister to breath and heal
@Louis Loire - NY that's something I never even considered for my bag. Mole skin.
"Don't pop it"
Immediately pops
>skin infection
>blood infection
>D E D
Reeses in Pieces
Rest in pepperoni
Don't freak out about it, I have had em popped and have had other horrifying things open to infection. Just clean it about twice a day, especially when you come home. @StrawberryArmada
Just soap and water?
Yeah it's what I most of the time use.
Neosporin too if you got it.
just be a man and use alcohol or witch hazel
don't worry about it but blisters on the back of your heel can get infected easily
Or that.
Once blister open the pocket is a site for infection. Usually want to debride extra skin, keep wound dry and clean
No reason to use alcohol over less painful peroxide
I'd just use that once, then soap and water after
Any good remedy for cauliflower ear? Just ice?
@Deleted User if I remember correctly you can drain it before it solidifies or whatever tf happens but Google how to before you take my word for it. Mileage may vary.
Dean lister has a great video in how to drain it on YouTube bro... @Deleted User
Thanks guys