Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 341339866031718401
Yeah alright, that is a good idea.
You should also repost that in cooking though. :^)
Nah I'll make some OC sometimes for you goys. That was like number one Google result.
@Dan iiii#6460 Very smart. We were just having a similar discussion in our SME channel.
Only question is how much of a pain it would be
It would be very time consuming.
@Nova BTW, since you're here. Can you see the lessons channels and the <#339720464471425026> channel? Wanna mkae sure I set them up right.
I can. It's looking good.
Great, thanks brother.
Reeeeee crepes made in a pan
@Deleted User just a suggestion. It'd probably take two minutes or so to arrange the pics in MS paint. Writing would be equivalent. Single upload. Although you'd need to do it from a desktop unless there's some app that's flexible enough. I'd love to save that firemaking info but I'd have to do a bunch of screenshots.
@Deleted User I was gonna post my compost recipes for plant growth and propagating, but I can't post in the lessons section. What would you recommend I do?
@Nova We can pin it in the discussions
I'll get to that later today.
Will probably have something up about changing a tire to post tomorrow since I will be out of town Monday. After that I'll doccument an oil change on the Ford.
Can someone assign each person learning as student of a certain field so we aren't lumped in with the @everyone notification?
@Deleted User whatcha mean? Can you clarify brother?
Like, by channel?
As in if someone came here to learn just mechanics then they should be put into the group of Mechanic - Student. Just as others have the title of SME. Then you could do (@methanic - student) to notify them
What if someone wants to learn a little of everything?
Then they don't have to be put into a group. I'm just annoyed from the everyone notification. It'll also help us in the future
Actually, I meant to have the everyone notification available only to the SMEs. Would that help?
You can mute the channels you don't want giving you notifications
Just mute the @ everyone command.
New post up, not as many photos with some bad MS paint thrown in but it should get to the point!
Will clear this up later
BTW I haven't seen any everyone notifications in this server. Am I missing something?
@Deleted User you may already know this but if you don't want a tag every time someone writes something in the server, you can tweak it in your notification settings
I think you can personally mute any channels you don't want, though ideally guys would be checking in on all servers to learn things.
We should have a safety thread.
I told him to rub some dirt on it and let's get back to work.