Message from @epic
Discord ID: 406692454436175872
She uses swear words in the chat, not very womanly
Kaspa has to have some slack on the swearing since she is Australian, I don't even think Australians realized when they're cursing
lol, you're probably right
I don't know much about her except
Yeah you can't pin the swear culture on Kaspa.
Because when your vocabulary is a consequential descendent of the vocabulary of criminals in exile trying to build an honest life in what is essentially God's version of a beautiful hell,
you can't expect it to come out entirely clean on the other side.
You're probably right
>God's version of a beautiful hell
That's the best description of Australia I've ever heard
I wouldn't be surprised if every English speaker from the Southern Hemisphere spoke like that.
Everything wants to murder you.
@ðŸŽðŸŽµ if you counter signal our QUEEN (queen because she is the wife of our KING Nick (*heil nick*)) Then we are gonna have some problems
Counter signalling Alyssa = Counter signaling Nick
And we know what happens to Nick counter signalers!
*this is true*
*submits to server hierarchy*
all of that was fine and all BUT
I can find fucking One Punch Man on crunchy roll.
dude i already explained this, there are like 6 million people using my account
*some bullshit*
seriously watch One Punch Man.
I should report your account to crunchyroll and start the night of a thousand broken figurines
It's like SAO, but not with shitty Deus Ex Machinas at every turn.
lol, that'd actually be hilarious
I'd be getting phone calls from people I haven't talked to in years
That'd be uncomfortable.
When I socially abandon someone, *I socially abandon the F U C C out of them.*
"Bro, I know I haven't talked to you since we were 14, but what the heck happened to the crunchy roll account??"
This would unironically happen
My whole High School would be up in arms
"crunchy fags" Sounds absolutely disgusting without context.