Message from @epic
Discord ID: 406692017931026432
very low criteria
really its just any showcase of non-thot character
in any form
I have a video I took of me and my little sister suprising my friend (she's the daughter of a single father) with a Christmas tree cause they couldn't afford one, but Idk if that counts. Me and Emily go over a lot to help her dad clean and cook
I don't want to wn, but that seems pretty non-thot tbh @ðŸŽðŸŽµ
I hope kaspa provides something
but I am growing suspicious of her
I think shes a Duginist!
She uses swear words in the chat, not very womanly
Kaspa has to have some slack on the swearing since she is Australian, I don't even think Australians realized when they're cursing
lol, you're probably right
I don't know much about her except
Yeah you can't pin the swear culture on Kaspa.
Because when your vocabulary is a consequential descendent of the vocabulary of criminals in exile trying to build an honest life in what is essentially God's version of a beautiful hell,
you can't expect it to come out entirely clean on the other side.
You're probably right
>God's version of a beautiful hell
That's the best description of Australia I've ever heard
I wouldn't be surprised if every English speaker from the Southern Hemisphere spoke like that.
Everything wants to murder you.
@ðŸŽðŸŽµ if you counter signal our QUEEN (queen because she is the wife of our KING Nick (*heil nick*)) Then we are gonna have some problems
Counter signalling Alyssa = Counter signaling Nick
And we know what happens to Nick counter signalers!
*this is true*
*submits to server hierarchy*
all of that was fine and all BUT
I can find fucking One Punch Man on crunchy roll.
dude i already explained this, there are like 6 million people using my account
*some bullshit*
seriously watch One Punch Man.
I should report your account to crunchyroll and start the night of a thousand broken figurines
It's like SAO, but not with shitty Deus Ex Machinas at every turn.
lol, that'd actually be hilarious
I'd be getting phone calls from people I haven't talked to in years
That'd be uncomfortable.