Message from @NormanLord
Discord ID: 441594298128138241
Dont be a pussy
feeling cute might delete later
reps for jesus
Wtf is that for besides ego
Its 4 bloat
Little twink fag detected
BLOATMAX or get the AXE
fellas whats a nice, versatile set of dumbells to get?
Anyone recommend some good cheap lifting shorts with zipper pockets that I can bulk buy?
Make sure they're Made in America my guy
Every pair of shorts I own have been lifted in.
I didnt even know there were lifting shorts tbh
Unless he just wants any shorts with a zipper in them
Lifting shorts compress everything to allow a better ROM, and end about halfway above the knee for maximum homoerotic dick bulge action
Me lately ^^^
>being under 200kg
Basically a twink waif
Almost hit a 2pl8 upright row
KG does 150kg for 10 reps
He weighs 3 x as me and is roided to the gills
150 kg * 2.2 = 330 - 225= 105 more. And I bet his form is attrocious since he has his fat gut sticking out and can't actually do the row
The form is devestatingly bad
hello is this the nofap channel ??