Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 363776590213283840
Well, if we're two hours from seattle it probably wouldn't work. They have 15 acres of land and are somehow able to employ enough people to work 6 seperate locations and a bakery.
Now, add into this plan the fact that we could grow stuff like this I think it would take a few years to setup, but after that we'd have a profitable, legal buisiness that helps whites reconnect with their roots.
now that I think about it, starting any kind of business would be great for local outreach, wether it be pubs, stores, restaurants, or even something like a church
For sure.
We, could work with the local 4H and boy scout troops.
This is why it's so important to be palletable to the public.
Well, one of the reasons why.
We donate a few sheep or goats to the 4h, then right it off on our taxes and cash in like crazy when the local news comes to cover our donation. The possibilities are endless. Free food to feed the homeless, field trips, Pick your own fruit.
The reason Cliven Bundy wasn't arrested for a year was because his community stood by him. We need the same thing to happen. (((They))) can't shoah us if the whole county loves us.
have you ever tried growing any winter crops in a greenhouse?
No, the weather in wisconsin is to unpredictable. Some years we have snow on the ground right now.
@Orchid you actually have a better climate in toronto due to the great lakes. It limits how cold your area can get.
Tried re-organizing so that I do my compound lifts first now, feels great 😄
how do you decide on what workout to do first?
made a new loaf today
double rose it
awesome, how long did it take?
a few hours
/sig/ is whats up
Gonna try to make bread, Maybe tommorow 🤗 With flour made from the quickroot
Oh just saw you wrote @Orchid Compound lifts should be done asap because you have more energy for them then
Like squats, deadlifts and bench press
What's up, guys - I posted a upload of a bunch of class material and notes I have from my study of kinesiology (basically exercise science + other stuff). Would you be interested in me re-posting that here? Are you more interested in specific things - resistance training, nutrition, etc?
sounds like something for our archives channel
Post it, sounds interesting
this is a good beginners fitness program
If there are any older people here (I'm only 18), that have had very bad depression, did it ever get easier? If so, what're the best methods?
My family is too poor for a therapist, and my mom won't look for anyone to prescribe me anti-depressants because she's too lazy
I've struggled with (((depression))) and let me tell you something, you have two kinds of voices/thoughts everytime you psyco-analyze
wow sry my keyboard is flipping out 1 sec
I was clinically diagnosed with depression. Some if it, when you're young, has to do with growing up. I never really took pills but I tried to make some lifestyle changes and writing things down really helps. Sometimes stuff gets overwhelming and having it all written down in front of you helps rationalize and compartimalize. You're 18 so you'll get the whole "you're young life has just started" speech, but there is truth to it. Things can always improve and realizing you have control over it helps tackle stuff.
You probably get that negative voice in your head that shits on you all the time, and practicing positive thinking legitmatley helps and rewires how your brain looks at life and problems.
Everything meek_manlet said is true and what I was going to say Bless you meek_manlet haha that's weird
Find the Cain and Abel voices in you is a first step to see irl changes
lmao no worries man. A lot of us guys have to deal with this shit and it's a vicous cycle that's hard to break. but it isn't impossible and you posess the power and ability to change your life for the better. No matter how hopeless and shitty things seem, there is always an option to take. I've always told myself that if I'm dead, I'm still in the game and I can still win